The Doctor Gets a Visitor IV
by: E Walk

(Copyright 2007 by the Author)
Radio Rancher


The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 39

Slave for Life


Beau was standing in the kitchen with Jason and Tommy when Jeff, Dale,  Les and I came down the stairs.  The coffee was made and he obviously had baked something.  We left and it was a nice leisurely run for Beau.


When we got back to the house, Mrs. Wanamaker was in the kitchen drinking coffee.  Beau had already set the table.  “Jeff, you and Tommy get everyone’s juice and coffee.”


The three guys brought a big plate of fruit and three coffee cakes.  Beau said, “A healthy breakfast this morning.  No eggs or bacon.  Dad and Jeff, someone needs to go to the store.  Your cupboards and pantry are bare.”


“Tommy, after your interview with Lash today, why don’t you go to the store and get some nice juicy T bone steaks and baking potatoes and some fresh green beans and we’ll grill out tonight?  Someone needs to pick me up at 4:00 so I can cook before the cleaning crew goes to work.” Beau said.


Beau finished eating and took his table service to the kitchen and rinsed it and put it in the dishwasher.  Jason did the same thing.  Beau said, “I’ll take care of the rest after I shower and get dressed.”


Mrs. W. chased the rest of us out of the kitchen and finished the cleanup.  Beau came in and before he could say anything, Mrs. Wanamaker said, “Beau, you make a list of what we need here and I’ll pick you up at 3:00 and then we can go do some major shopping.”


“Okay, I’d better go get my wallet then.  See you at three.  Come on Tommy, let’s roll.”  Beau said as they left.


Anita and Mrs. W. went to Les’ house and showed the blind person where to hang the blinds.  The drapes and the window treatments were to arrive on Wednesday.


Mrs. Wanamaker picked Beau up at three o’clock and they indeed did some major shopping.  They pulled into a checkout lane.  Beau started to unload the two carts.  He looked up and said, “Hey Pete, I didn’t know you worked here.”


“I just started.  This is my first day on the register.  I can only work twenty hours a week for now but at least it’s some money.” Pete said as he scanned the items.  Beau helped Pete bag the items and when the total came up and said $421.19, Beau swiped his card and the transaction was completed.


“See you later Peter.  We have two other houses to stock.  We’ll get together soon and work on getting ready for next year.”  Beau said.


“Berto warned me that you don’t take any hostages.  See you later.”  Peter said as he started to scan the next customer’s purchases.


The manager came up to Beau and asked, “Mr. Benson, are you sure you don’t need help with those carts?”


“Nah, we’re fine.  Sir, I really like that young man on lane 20.  He is pleasant and efficient.  I think his name tag said Peter; you should really try to keep him.  He is a nice addition to your staff.”


Beau and Mrs. W. went to the car and Beau unloaded the groceries and took the carts to the storage racks.


Mrs. Wanamaker started to the house and asked, “Beau, what just happened in there?  The manager called you by your name and you in a few words told him he had better take care of Peter.”


“Ma’am, the manager and I had a little run in and I, in effect, told him that he was inept at running a store.” Beau laughed. “Besides, I have to take care of the people that I like.”


When they got home, Tommy was there.  He helped Beau unload the groceries and put them away.  Beau started to fix dinner while Mrs. Wanamaker listened.  “So, how did your interview go with Lash?  Did you get him fired yet?”


“Lash told me to buzz off.  He wasn’t having no high school student telling him when he could or wouldn’t work.  Actually he said that he would work with me on my hours but I will only be getting minimum wages to start.” Tommy said.


“Well you gotta start somewhere.  You will probably make more babysitting than you will at Dad’s office, but look at it this way, you can go back and forth to work with Dad. Just think of the money that will save you in gas.”  Beau said.


Mrs. W. was laughing, “Beau, what are you going to call Jack when you move?”


Beau said without thinking, “Why Dad, of course in the right company or Doctor Dad if my other Dad is around.  I don’t want to offend or upset him, but I think he knows how I feel about them.  I have enough love to go around.”


Beau started the oven and washed and wrapped the potatoes.  “Grandmama, why don’t you snap the beans?”  Beau started a pot of water put some bacon that he had sliced and onion that he had cut.  He pulled out the steaks and put tenderizer and seasoning on them.


Beau made a huge tossed salad and put it in the refrigerator.  He was getting ready to start a fire in the grill when Jeff came in with Jason and Davey.  “Jeff, please start the grill.  Jason, you wash your hands and set the table for eight.  We need steak knives and salad plates.”


The rest of us arrived and Beau said, “Dad, you take drink orders.  How does everyone want their steaks?”  Everyone had said medium rare so Beau went to work.


At precisely 6:00, Beau and Tommy announced that dinner was ready.  As soon as everyone was seated, the two guys served the dinner and Beau served red wine.


After dinner, Chris came as did Berto and Jonathan.  Beau excused himself and asked, “Dad, can you drop us off at the house please.  Sorry to eat and run.”


Ben and Josh were waiting for the guys.  Danny, Denny and Mickey were already there.  They washed the windows both inside and out and then thoroughly vacuumed and dusted the empty house.  The other six guys did the bathrooms while Beau cleaned the kitchen.  “Dad and Granddad, we need some shelf paper to line the shelves and cupboards”


Ben went to get the shelf paper and came back with the paper, two tape measures and scissors.  I watched as Beau set up an assembly line and everything was finished by 9:30.  Josh was prepared, he handed each of the guys $30.00.


Beau said, “Hey guys, if you want to make some more money tomorrow, be here in the afternoon so we can get this place straightened out.  Berto, you are coming at eight with me right, so you can check things off as they take them off the truck.  Dad, will you please bring us some food at lunch time, since there is nothing here to eat.”


Josh said, “Yes Beau, but you are responsible for keeping track of everyone’s hours so I can pay them properly.”


“Yes Dad.  Guys, you were awesome.  All of you who can come tomorrow, please do so.  There will be lots to do.  Who needs a ride?”


We split the guys up.  I took Beau, Chris, Berto and Jonathan.  When Beau and I got back to the house, everyone was waiting for us.  Beau walked in and said, “Something either bad or good happened.  You are all like eagles about to launch.”


Jason was beside himself.  Beau, Jeff had two phone calls.  The first was from someone who wants us to do a Christmas show in the Radio City Music Hall.  The second call wants us to do a New Year’s Eve Show at Disney World over New Years.”


Beau sighed and said, “I ain’t goin’.  I’m already regretting going to D.C. over the Fourth of July.”


Jason climbed on Beau's lap and said “Please say you will go.  I’ll do all the dishes for the rest of my life, and besides, I’ll get to see the Statue of Liberty and then I can see Mickey, Minnie and Goofy as well as all the other characters.”


“Why would anyone want to go the New York City where they bombed the World Trade Center and who in the world cares about mice?”  Beau sighed.


“Beau please, this is important to me.  I’ll give you all of the money I have.”


Beau asked, “All of the money that you have under your pajamas?”


Jason shook his head and Beau looked like he was thinking and finally said, “I’ll go, but you are my slave for the rest of your life.  You too Tommy and Jeff.  Now who’s going to carry me to bed?  I’m too tired to walk upstairs.”


Beau disappeared.


Dale said, “Beau doesn’t care who he terrorizes.  He’s a work of art in the making.”


Wednesday morning Beau came into Jeff’s and my bedroom and crawled into bed with us.  “Dad, Jeff, please say you’ll always be here for us.”


I grabbed Beau and held him. “Beau; Jeff, Tommy and I will be here for you and Jason.  The more important question is will you be here for us?”


“Dad, that’s not even funny. I’ll do almost anything for the three of you.  I am so going to miss our morning talks.”  Beau said, as he jumped out of bed and disappeared.


When we got downstairs, he and Dale were gone.  Jeff fixed breakfast and when the two laughing clowns returned, we ate.  The two of them showered while the rest of us took care of the dishes.  It was apparent that Beau and Dale had a special relationship.


Berto arrived and Dale delivered Beau and Berto to the new house.  The movers arrived shortly after they arrived.  Jonathan was dropped off so he could help.  Berto checked things off as they came out of the truck Beau directed the movers where to put each item.  Finally the first van was finished and the second van pulled up.  Kevin was driving.


 “Kevin, I thought you must be ill.  What do you have?  I have no idea?”  Beau asked.


Kevin and his guys opened the van.  It was the things from Jason’s old house.  Beau threw up his hands and said, “There is no way all of that will fit in the house.  Guys, just put everything in the garage as best as you can.  I need to get Jason here.”


Josh pulled in at lunchtime and had sandwiches and drinks for all the guys.  Beau said, “Dad, there is no place to put anything else in the house and the garage is full and we still don’t have the things that Grandma Ginny had in storage.  What are we going to do?”


“Beau, we’ll let you figure that out.  I have some problems at the home I have to take care of.  I really could use your help, but you just stay here and do what you can do.  I’m sorry to do this son, but something big is about to happen and I may be fired.” Josh said as he left.


Jonathan and Berto asked, “What was that about?”


“Guys, I don’t know my Dad too well yet, so I guess I’ll find out when the time is right.  Gees, I wish Jason was here.”


“Hey Beau, watch what you wish for.  Thanks for bringing me Gigi.  I could hear you calling, so here I am.” Jason said, as he jumped on Beau.


“Jason, do you remember what Grandma Ginny and Granddad Powers bedroom looked like?”  Well, her things are going to arrive, and we need to make sure that we fix her room so she might want to live here with us.” Beau said.


“We can try, but she’ll love anything we do, I’m sure.” Jason said. “Can I go see my room?”


“Yep.” Beau answered.


Jason ran up the stairs came tumbling back down.  “Beau, can I decorate my room any way I want, please?”


“Jace, it’s your room and you can do anything you want.  Just don’t mess up the bathroom too much.” Beau said, as the next truck arrived.


When the guys opened the truck, Beau shook his head and said “Come on Jason; help me with this.  We’ll put the things for Grandma Ginny in her room, and the rest will have to go in the family room for now.” 


Beau had everyone organized and when the truck left they went upstairs and started to arrange the furniture.  They started in Jason’s bedroom and fixed it as he wanted and took out all the furniture that he didn’t want and placed it in the hallway.


They then did the same to Beau’s room.  Both boys were making a mental image of what they wanted their rooms to look like.    Beau started to have them do the master suite but then he decided he'd better let his Dad and Granddad arrange it the way they wanted.


They fixed the guest bedroom where Aunt Evelyn would be staying.  Beau said, “Guys let’s just stop for today.  I’m exhausted.”


The guys grabbed a drink and were sitting on the lawn when Josh drove up. “Dad, I’m exhausted and I think Berto and Jonathan are as tired as I am.”  Beau said.


Berto said, “I’m not tired Mr. Benson.  It’s just that Beau is a slave driver.”


Beau piped up and said, “Just for that, you both will be back at nine in the morning or you ain’t going to get paid.  We’re not finished yet.”


“I’ll be here.” Berto said.


“Me too.” Jonathan mimicked.


They piled into Josh’s car after they dropped Berto and Jonathan at their houses he dropped the two guys at the house. 


“Everyone else was there earlier.  Tommy and Mrs. W. had fixed dinner.  Beau was in rare form as we were eating, “Where’s the grouchy old man?  Tommy how was your first day working for that mean Lasheroo?  Grandmama, did you and Aunt Anita get your house squared away?  Your furniture will be picked up next Wednesday, and now all we have to do is figure where to store it.”  Beau sighed.


He wasn’t through yet.  “Father W. how many souls did you save today?  Doctor Icky, how many patients did you cause to pass over today?”


Beau was completely caught off guard when Tommy got up and put his hand over Beau’s mouth.  Beau looked at Tommy and then said, “I’m sorry everyone.”

Beau was very quiet during the rest of the meal and spoke only when he was spoken to.  After the dinner dishes were taken care of, he asked Les to take him to see his house.  Mrs. W., Dale and Jeff went along.  Tommy and Jason opted to stay home.


They walked in and Beau started to look around.  “Wow Grandmama, you and Aunt Anita have been busy.”


“Yep, I figure everything will be finished by tomorrow.” Mrs. W. said.


Jeff, who was looking around, said, “Everything looks fantastic.  You need two or three more lamps.”


Beau said, “Let’s go to my new house.  There are some neat lamps there that are extra.”


Everyone was looking around Josh and Ben’s house and Beau showed them where the extra lamps were.  Everyone agreed that they were just what were needed.   They loaded them into the trunk and took them to Les’ house and put them in place.


When they got back to my house, I was home.  Mrs. Wanamaker said, “This is like musical houses.  You take this and I’ll take that.  Jack, I think we will be out of your hair by tomorrow.”


Beau asked, “Dad, what was your Board meeting about?”


I said, “We decided to build at new state of the art production facility now that you have moved a few people’s behinds.  Everyone came and asked about you.  Lance said to tell you that they were taking courses and that they all were doing well.”


“Dad, that’s good to know.  Now have you eaten anything?” Beau asked.


“Yes we stopped at Perkins and had dinner.  We wanted something quick.” I answered.


“Okay, I’m going to bed.  I don’t want to be exhausted when we finish our house in the morning.  Fortunately the former owners left the window treatments and blinds.  Who’s taking Tommy to the airport on Friday?” Beau asked.


Jeff said, “I am.”


“Oh okay.” Beau said as he went up the stairs.


Mrs. Wanamaker asked, “How in the world can anyone think of all of the things that Beau does?  He seems to be two or three jumps ahead of everyone.”


“Grandmama, Beau is a unique individual.  Just be careful, or he’ll take over your life.  He likes everyone until they give him a reason not to.”


Everyone finally went to bed and Jeff and I just collapsed.


To be continued...


Feedback always welcome:     


Editor's Notes:


It took me a little longer than usual to get this chapter edited, not because it was more difficult or anything like that, but simply because I had about a gazillion things to do all at once. As usual this chapter was just plain full of action and events. Let's sit back and read the next chapter, shall we?


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher



Posted: 12/21/07