What Do I Do Now, Mom?
by: E Walk
(© 2009-2011 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 45 

Damage Control


On Saturday morning, I woke up to the sight of a sleeping giant.  I started to nibble on his ear.  Randy was still not awake, but he started to talk in his sleep , “Gotta go get Billy and Bobby so they don’t think I abandoned them.  I feel so dirty from what that man did to me.  How am I going to take care of the two boys?”


I blew in his ear, “Wake up, sleepy head.  Don’t you mean, how are we going to take care eight boys, and maybe four girls?”


Randy bolted up, “Am I ever going to stop having that dream?  Each time I have it, it seems like that day you saved me is happening all over again.”


“Randy, you’re having the dream less frequently than you did at first.  I’m sure that it will stop occurring once everyone is settled into a routine.  Speaking of which, what are your plans for today?”


A lot depends on what time Jake gets back and what Tim’s plans are.  I don’t think any of the city boys are coming to work today, or at least I told them to stay home and have some fun.”


I decided to fix breakfast and went to get some eggs out of the refrigerator.  I pulled a carton of eggs from the fridge.  I started to open it but there was a post-it-note with the name Jensen on it.  I looked and most of the cartons had names and addresses on them.  I finally found two cartons that didn’t have names on them and handed them to Randy to crack.  I went into the freezer to get some bacon to cook and I was surprised at how empty the freezer was.  I looked at the second freezer and it was about half full.  ’Surely, the things we had slaughtered amounted to more than this.  Who are all the eggs for and when are they going to be picked up?’


As we were starting to eat breakfast, Billy looked at what we were eating, “Dad, I hope you didn’t use any eggs that have names on the cartons.  Daddy said we could have a roadside stand and sell the extra.  When we run out, we take orders and promised to deliver them on Saturday.  Witt is going to take us after the other load of meat gets here today.”


“Why wasn’t the meat all delivered, yesterday?”


Witt answered, “The crew was going to have to go back and load the second load yesterday afternoon.  One of the guys was getting married last night, so I told them to bring the rest of the meat, today, since I had everything that I needed to deliver to the family members.”


As we were coming in from the barn, the Wallaces pulled up.  I invited them for breakfast so we could help them unload the last of their belongings.  They had a neat trailer hooked to the back of their car, that we’ll be able to put to good use, in moving back and forth between farms.


After we got the Wallaces’ trailer unloaded and their things stored in one of the sheds, Tim took the Latham guys, except Witt, to their old home and started to put the things into boxes to be gone through later.  Witt had taken Billy and Bobby, so they could deliver the eggs.

Randy and Jake decided to go tear out the old plumbing and find out what they would need, to bring the Latham house up to code. 


That left me at the house to wait for the remainder of the meat and to figure out what to do about the rest of the money.  I decided that the Snowden’s were not going to be given any cash that wasn’t used as Mr. Latham wanted.”


While I was waiting for the people from the packing plant, I had a call saying they would be arriving at ten o’clock.  Uncle Mark called, “Hank, when would be a good time to come to talk?”


“The packing company is bringing the rest of the meat at ten o’clock.  We can talk while I’m putting the meat away.  Everyone else has deserted me.  I think Sarah is still in the trailer putting things away, if we need a witness.”


“Good, I’ll be there about ten.”


I went to see if there was any laundry to be done and there was hardly enough in the clothes hampers to even make two loads, but I decided to go ahead and do it.  I guess I was oblivious to all the work the guys had been doing each day.  Ten guys can make a lot of dirty clothes especially when you live on a farm. 


I had just started the first load of clothes when the phone rang, “This is Hank Adler.”


“Hank, it’s Rob Snowden.  Can I come talk to you?  It’s important.”


“Uncle Mark is going to be here about ten.  Would it help to have him present?”


“It might save everyone some time, if he were there.  Liz is having a hissy fit because the girls aren’t receiving the same amount of money as the older boys.  She also can’t understand how a dead person can dictate how money should be distributed and spent.  In fact, she’s blaming everything on the girls.”


“Rob, it sounds to me as if it was not a good idea to have the girls live with you.”


“I think four young girls is more than Liz can emotionally handle.  She remembered only the good times we had with our daughters.  She had forgotten that not all times were honey and spice.  Having four daughters is a lot more work than having two.”


“Rob, I’ll see you about ten, and Uncle Mark can perhaps give you some good guidance.”


It was raining vehicles around the house about ten o’clock.  It seemed that everyone decided to be prompt.  The truck with the frozen meat was backing up to the garage door when Uncle Mark, Rob Snowden and Witt’s cars arrived.  In addition, there was another car that was not expected.  Judge Corn arrived, “Hi people, do you have a minute to talk.”


Uncle Mark was surprised, “Ellen, is this business or pleasure?”


“Actually, it’s both.  Good, Mr. Snowden is here, and some of what I want to talk about deals with him.  Is Mrs. Wallace available?”


I had no idea what was happening, “I believe Mrs. Wallace is in the trailer.  Jake and Tim are at the Latham farm, working.”


“Yeah, I know.  Eric and Aaron took off to the Latham farm after they saw Witt in town.”


Witt, Billy and Bobby were putting the meat that the plant workers were delivering into the proper places.  Witt looked at me, “Dad, do you need to talk to me.  Billy and Bobby are doing a super job of inventorying and putting the meat away.”


Uncle Mark nodded, yes, “Witt, it would be helpful if you were present.  Would you please go ask Mrs. Wallace to join us?”


Sarah joined us and we went into the dining room and shut the door.  Uncle Mark looked around, “I wish Randy and Jake were here.  I guess we can’t have everyone here.  “Hank, you need to explain what’s happening for Judge Corn and I don’t know how much Sarah knows.”


I ran through the information we found in the dresser and the safe deposit box, and the guidance that Mr. Latham left in his will.  I turned to Rob, “Rob, you'd better explain what is happening at your house.”


Rob took a deep breath, “At first, it was all peaches and cream, when we took the four girls home.  Once Liz realized how much work the girls would be and how much it would cost to dress them as she wanted, she had second thoughts.  After we found out last night, how much money Mr. Latham had left, she’s made up her mind that she was going to get her hands on at least four tenths of the money.  She thinks that she is due that if she is going to be the mother of the girls.”


Judge Corn was frowning, “Rob, I don’t like what I’m hearing.  If I understand what you said, your wife is only interested in having the girls for the money that they would bring with them.  Mark, it was a mistake on your part to recommend that Hank and Witt explain Mr. Latham’s estate to the Snowdens, since they were only temporary foster parents.   It’s funny how the feelings can switch so fast when there is money involved”


Rob added, “The problem was exacerbated by the boys behavior when we were here last night.  They took care of the dinner dishes without being told.  Not only that, Liz and I noticed that the girls took more food than they could possibly have eaten.  Part of that has to be Liz and my fault, since we allowed them to do that at home because they were always telling us how little they had to eat at their old home.”


The conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door.


I stood, “Come in guys.”


Billy and Bobby were standing at the door.  Billy grinned, “Dad, the meat is put away and there isn’t any room for another thing.  Can someone take us to Witt’s farm so we can help?”


“Why don’t you ride the horses?  That way you can make sure everyone is back here by twelve thirty for lunch.  Tell your Daddy and Mr. Wallace that we need their help back here, now.  Remind Tim that he is in charge and that we’ll fix lunch while we’re talking.”


It was approximately thirty minutes later when Randy and Jake arrived.  I had just had time to explain what the discussion was about when Rob’s cell phone rang.  “This is Rob.”


The voice on the other end was screaming so loud we could hear what was being said, “Where the hell are you?  Get your ass home and help me take care of the brats.  They’re just now getting up and want me to fix breakfast for them.  I have plans to meet my mother for lunch.   Why did I ever let you talk me into taking the girls into the house.”


“I’ll be right there, dear.  Give the girls a box of cereal and tell them to fix their own breakfast.”


We heard the phone go dead.  Judge Corn had obviously been thinking before she spoke, “Mr. Snowden, I think you'd better go relieve Mrs. Snowden before she does something she would regret later.  Bring the four girls here with only the clothes they are wearing.  Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, is there any way that the four girls could stay with you?”


Witt answered before anyone else could, “Judge Corn, the only way that could happen is for Tim to move into my room with me.  Two of the girls could sleep in the room where Tim is staying and the other two could sleep in the living area like we did when I first moved here.

Our three younger brothers are already sleeping in one room.  Billy and Bobby share a room as do Walt and Wade.”


Judge Corn frowned, “It’s the only alternative that we have.  The child support people would have a hemorrhage if I bothered them with a problem like this on the weekend.”


Rob Snowden went to the door, “I’ll be back as soon as possible.  Better fix some lunch for the four girls while you’re at it.  I’m sorry this didn’t work out as everyone thought it would.  I guess Liz isn’t ready to have someone take the place of the two children we lost.”


As Sarah and I were fixing chili for chili dogs and chips since it had to be a very casual meal with so many people, the people arrived from the Latham place.  Not only the two Corn guys, but Ritchie Brown was with them, as well.  Witt had everyone wash their hands and people were going through the line and taking their lunches to the picnic area when Mr. Snowden returned the four Latham girls.”


They pushed into the serving line and Wendy commanded, “I want two chili dogs.”


Witt shook his head no, “You’ll get one like everyone else.  If you’re still hungry after you finish your first one, then you can have another one.  Anyone who doesn’t finish their meal if they took extra automatically does the dishes.”


Let me tell you; there wasn’t a paper plate that looked like it hadn’t been licked clean.  Wanda looked at Rob, “Mr. Snowden, when are we going home.  Mrs. Snowden promises to take us to a movie this afternoon.”


Judge Corn motioned for Rob to leave. 


After Rob had pulled away in his car, Wanda asked, “Where’s he going?  Why didn’t he take us?”


Judge Corn looked at the guys, “Why don’t you go back to the other farm and start to work?  I’ll come to talk to you shortly.  Tim, make sure the boys don’t hurt themselves.”


Eric yelled, “Mom, you aren’t making any friends here.  We’re men.  Around here, they make us work like men.”


After all the guys had departed, except Witt, Judge Corn had the four girls sit on the sofa, “Ladies, you’re going to be staying with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, for the time being.”


The youngest daughter started to cry, “But what about all the pretty new clothes the Snowden’s bought us?”


Judge Corn sighed, “Wonny, that’s up to the Snowdens.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Snowden didn’t bring them to you.  It may not be today, but they sure don’t need clothes for young girls.”


Sarah answered, “We’ll make sure you have clothes that are suitable for living on a farm.  Fancy clothes like you’re wearing now would get ruined in no time on the farm.”


Wanda  was almost crying, “Are you saying that we’re going to have to wear the boys’ old clothes like we used to?”


Jake shook his head, no, “You don’t need a whole lot of fancy clothes.  If you went to school, dressed like you are now, the other kids would laugh at you and call you Miss Rich Miss or something even worse.”


Wendy asked, “Where are we going to sleep?  Are we each going to  have our own bedroom?”


Witt answered, “None of us are going to have our own bedroom.  Two of you will sleep in the extra bedroom in the trailer and two of you will have to sleep on the sofa bed in the living area.  That’s up to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace to decide.”


Judge Corn turned to Witt, “Take your sisters to the other house, so they can see what your brothers and your friends are doing to it.  Maybe you could help them.”


After Witt departed with the four girls, Judge Corn threw up her hands, “I don’t understand Mrs. Snowden.  She was so glad that she was going to have some daughters to replace the ones she lost, and now she can’t handle having them.  It appears to me that the Snowdens started out on the wrong foot, by not establishing the guidelines for what they expected.  If they had explained what was expected right at the beginning, then they wouldn’t be caught in this unpleasant situation.”


Uncle Mark added, “From now on, I promise to stay out of Hank’s, Randy’s and the Latham boys’ affairs.”


To be continued...


Editor's Notes:  It looks to me as if those Latham girls are as spoiled as they can be. 


I expect that Mrs. Snowden thought that the girls would be so grateful that they would do whatever she wanted them to do, but the girls just did what they wanted and with a little pouting and some well timed tears, they had Mrs. Snowden eating out of the palms of their hands.


Any thought of teaching the girls to become well mannered ladies went right out the window. 


Hopefully, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace will be able to help the girls grow up to be nice people. 


It is not going to be easy, but given enough time and a lot of love, I suspect it can be done, if the Wallaces can keep from killing the little stuck up brats.


I can hardly wait for the next chapter.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 12/31/10