The CUMfort Inn Tales

The Bellhop’s Tale
 by: Hankster

© 2015-2016 by the author


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Chapter Nine  

Hello again.  I’m Darius Dimitri (DD).  My life and business partner, Jake Harrison, and I, own and operate The CUMfort Inn, a gay hotel and resort, located on Ft Lauderdale Beach in South Florida.  If you’ve read my other tales, you are fully aware that the inn is like a living organism.  It has the power to act as a love potion.  All who sojourn here, young and old, are apt to fall under its spell.  It even happened to Jake and me.  It also happened to one of our employees, Jerry Bloom.  This is his tale.




When I was getting ready to open the inn, I advertised for a bellhop in the gay press.  I indicated that the job was part time, and the hours would be flexible, except on Friday.  Friday was check in and check out day, and the applicant had to be available all day Friday.


Only one young man, Jerry Bloom, answered the ad.  He was a student at Nova Southeastern University, and needed the job to keep his head above water.  He was orphaned, and had no outside financial help.  I knew that he would be a hard working employee.  It also helped that he was a stunning hunk, and he would be great eye candy for my guests.  Jerry lived up to all my expectations.  He worked out so well, I was even willing to overlook the side business he set up, because it did not affect his work or the inn.  In fact, it was beneficial to both of them. 


When Jerry settled a guest into his room, he asked them if they would like to “be serviced.”  He was willing to suck cock, and get fucked, for the extra money he needed to survive.  The guests did not generally accept Jerry’s proposal when they first checked in, but by Monday or Tuesday, those who had not scored a hook-up, often called upon Jerry’s talents.  They were usually the least attractive men.  I was always surprised that my older, attractive guests, did not have a problem hooking up, even with relative youngsters.  Age was never a factor, but appearance was.  Guys who had trouble scoring, even in a gay resort, left The CUMfort Inn with happy smiles thanks to Jerry.  Most people would call Jerry a prostitute.  I called him an entrepreneur. 


After Jake and I became a couple, we expanded the inn, adding a whole new wing.  Our workload increased dramatically, and we promoted Jerry to assistant manager.  He had earned it, along with a substantial increase in pay.  As a bonus, mostly to Jake and me, Jerry had just graduated college with a degree in Hospitality Management.  This was a dream job for him, and he was the first in his class to land a job in the hospitality field.  After his promotion, Jerry continued to operate his side business, but not as aggressively.  I began to believe that whether he needed the extra money or not, he enjoyed the sex.


We were booked solid during the week of Independence Day, and by 5 PM on Friday, we had only one guest, who had not yet arrived.  Jake and I left Jerry at the front desk.  We needed to set up the patio and swimming pool area for our weekly get-to-know-you barbecue.  Once the festivities started, we mingled among the guests, and made sure that there were no shy wall flowers sitting alone.


I told Jerry to hold the room until 9 PM.  If the missing guest hadn’t phoned in or texted by then, he could call the first name on the wait-list.  More often than not, prospective guests showed up without a reservation, and most of them were disappointed.  We recommended a hotel up the road, and promised to call if there were any no-shows.  Some Friday evenings, we often had as many as a dozen names on the wait-list.


Jerry was anxious to close the front desk, and join in the party.  Sometimes, a guest at the party was aware that he wasn’t going to get lucky, at least not this night.  He would spot Jerry, and Jerry got to earn extra money for the night.  I never asked the boy what his fees were.  He was just getting out the wait-list, fifteen minutes ahead of time, to call the first name, when an American god came into the lobby.  He was about six feet tall, dark brown hair and eyes, an average sized nose, and a square masculine chin.  It was his body that was stunning.  He was very muscular, and had no extra weight.  Jerry liked a small love handle, but he could overlook his preference any day, to settle for this guy.


“Hi,” Mr. America said.  “I’m Colin Baker.  I’ve got a reservation.”  Jerry didn’t hear a word Colin said.  He was staring dumbly into Colin’s eyes.  Finally, Colin repeated who he was, and the fact that he had a reservation.


“Oh, yeah,” Jerry said at last.  “I was just going to cancel it, your reservation, I mean.  Why didn’t you call in if you knew you were going to be late?”


“I’ve been driving for fourteen hours without a break, just so I could get here tonight.  When I went to call ahead, I discovered that my cell phone was dead, and I don’t have an automobile charger.”

“I’m glad you made it, Colin,” Jerry said sincerely.  “I have a long wait-list, and I was just going to call the top name.”  Jerry was not being presumptuous by calling the guest by his given name.  We have a policy at the inn of using first names only.  Many of our guests require discretion.  Translated, that means they are married to women.


“I guess I lucked out,” Colin said.  “I have a lot of luggage.  Do you think I could get some help, bringing it to my room?”


“Sure.  Let’s get you checked in, and then I’ll help you get your luggage out of the car.  The regular help is assisting the bar tender at the barbecue right now.  The party will probably go on until the wee hours.  After you’re settled, you’ll be able to join the party.”


“I’ll have to pass,” Colin sighed.  “I’m exhausted.


They unloaded Colin’s luggage, and left it in the lobby.  Colin drove the car around to the parking lot.  By the time he got back, Jerry had carefully placed all the luggage on the luggage cart.


“How come you have so many suitcases?” Jerry asked.  “You do know that clothing here is optional, and you’re only booked for one week.”


“You’re a regular Sherlock,” Colin smiled at Jerry.  “Let me explain.  I start teaching history and social studies at Nova Southeastern University next semester.  I’m only staying here until I find an apartment.  If I don’t get something this week, I’ll have to extend my stay.”


“Shit,” Jerry said.  “I graduated from Nova last year.” 


He put an arm on Colin’s shoulder.  “I sure hope you have to extend,” he said.  The two men smiled at each other, and the magic of The CUMfort Inn began to work.


Jerry helped Colin unpack.  They put his clothes in the dresser drawers, and hung his other stuff in the closet.  When they were almost done, Jerry asked, “If you don’t want to go to the party, can I bring you a drink, and we’ll chat?”


“I’d like that.  Can I have something tropical, like a Mai Tai or something?”

“Sure thing, buddy.  I’ll get two of them.  Be right back.” 


Jerry used his position as assistant manager to go behind the bar, and make the drinks himself.  He deftly avoided waiting on line with dozens of hunky guys.


Back in Colin’s room, Jerry saw that Colin had changed into shorts.  They were now both dressed the same, that is to say, nearly naked.  They sat down on the bed.  Their thighs were touching, on purpose.  They clicked glasses, and Jerry said, “Here’s to the beginning of what I hope will be a beautiful friendship.”


Colin sniggered.  “How many other guests have you told that to?”


“Nobody else, I swear.  You’re the one and only,” Jerry said defensively.

“Why me?”


“Well obviously you’re handsome as hell, and I’ve got the hots for you.  But more than that, when I realized that you were going to live locally, I got excited.  Most of our guests come from hundreds of miles away.  I was hoping that we could see each other after you check out.  I could show you around town; the hot spots and all that.”


“That would be great,” Colin said, “and maybe this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.  For now, let’s finish our drinks, and you get out of here, so I can get some extremely needed sleep.”


“Whatever you say, but listen.  The apartment building that I live in always has one or two apartments available.  It’s in a good neighborhood, and handy to the university.  Would you consider letting me show it to you on Monday?  I’m off Mondays and Tuesdays.”


“Sure,” Colin answered.  “That’ll be great.”

“There’s a complimentary breakfast at poolside every morning.  I’ll be there tomorrow morning.  Please come.”


“I’d like that,” Colin answered.


“And Colin,” Jerry smiled, “nobody wears any clothing at the pool.”  He grinned and left the room.  He was expected to mingle with the guests, and help out at the barbecue, so he went directly to the party.  He found me, and told me that the last guest had checked in.  He had closed down the desk, and engaged the answering machine.


“I don’t feel very well.  Do you mind if I go home?” he asked me.


“No.  Go home and get some rest.  Tomorrow is another big day.” 


Jerry couldn’t face the possibility that someone would want to engage his services tonight.  At that moment, he couldn’t bear to think of being with anyone other than Colin.  The boy was in love.  Only time would tell if his heart would be broken.




The next morning, Jake, Jerry, and I were having breakfast at the pool, when a very handsome young man approached our table.  Jerry jumped up.  It was obvious that he wanted to embrace the guy, but the man gave no indication that he wanted to embrace Jerry, so Jerry stepped back.  It was also obvious that both young men were checking each other out, and since they were both smiling, I guess they were pleased with what they saw.  They were both cut, and about four inches flaccid, but both had very fat cocks.


Jerry introduced us, but that wouldn’t satisfy him.  He proceeded to tell us that Colin would be a neighbor soon, and would be working locally.


“That’s great,” Jake said.  “You should let Jerry help you look for housing.  Most of us were transplanted here, but Jerry is a true native.  He knows this area like the palm of his hand.”


“He’s already asked me, and I accepted his offer,” Colin said, and he put his hand on Jerry’s.  Jerry started to squirm.  He was getting hard, I could tell.  He stood up quickly, while he was still only semi-hard.


“You guys can schmooze all day, if you want to, but I’ve got to put on a pair of shorts, and cover the desk.”


We did schmooze for a little while longer.  I was good at reading all the signs.  These two boys were more than interested in each other, so I started to extol Jerry’s virtues.


“Jerry graduated magna cum laude,” I informed Colin, “but that’s not as important as his exemplary work ethic, and his loyalty.  Jake and I consider ourselves lucky to have him working for us.  If it weren’t for Jerry, we’d never have a day off.  I urge you to get to know him while you are apartment hunting.  He’s really a great guy.”


“I can see that,” Colin murmured.


Jake and I stood up.  “Well,” Jake said, “DD and I have to get to work also.  Be sure to spread plenty of suntan lotion on your body.  The summer Florida sun is brutal.  Don’t stay out in it too long.”


As we were leaving, I piped in.  “Stay naked,” I said.  “I have no doubt you’ll get plenty of action.”  Colin laughed dutifully.


The truth is that Colin spent a little more time at the pool, but he was more anxious to continue schmoozing with Jerry.  Shorts were required in the lobby, so he put on a pair of shorts, and hung out in the lobby talking to Jerry.  I passed through the lobby several times, and I could see how they were looking at each other.  My romantic soul was spinning hula hoops.


Jerry decided to be bold, and he propositioned Colin.  How about we go to your room on my lunch break?”


Colin smiled sweetly at Jerry, and said, “There’s nothing I want more in the world than to make love with you, but not here, not now, not hurriedly.  Let’s wait until Monday, and do it properly in your apartment.”


Jerry ran out from behind the desk, and embraced Colin.  Their lips met in their first passionate kiss.


“There’s a coffee shop down the street.  Have lunch with me?”  Jerry, made it sound like a question.  He didn’t want Colin to think he was ordering him around.


“Of course I will,” Colin’s voice cracked.


Jerry was a busy guy, but every spare minute that he could, he spent with Colin.  Colin couldn’t wait until Monday.  Jerry closed the desk at 10 PM on Sunday night, and Colin went home with him.  He carried a small overnight bag.


Jerry lived on the fourth floor of a ten story high rise.  When Colin entered the apartment, he was really surprised.  It was very spacious, and definitely in the upscale category.  “I didn’t expect this,” Colin confessed, “and two bedrooms to boot.”


“I used the second bedroom as an office when I was a student.  I haven’t told anyone, but I’m working on my master’s degree on line, so I still use the office.”

“When I was an under graduate,” Colin recited, “I had to live with three other guys in a small cramped apartment.  How could you have afforded this place?”


“I made good tips at The CUMfort Inn, but I also had a second part time job that paid me even better.  Now, the only position I have is as assistant manager at the inn, and I can afford this place without another part time job.”  Jerry stopped talking, and prayed that Colin wouldn’t ask any questions about his other part time job.”


“I don’t think I can afford an apartment in this building,” Colin said.  “I’ll have to look elsewhere.”


“The rent is pretty draining,” Jerry said.  “I was going to ask you, if you would like to share this apartment with me.  I can convert the office back into a bedroom.”

“Not on your life,” Colin shouted out.  “If I live with you, I’d need an office, and you would also.  You need a space to work on your master’s degree.  No, if we share the apartment, we’ll have to share the master bedroom.”


If Jerry were thinking better, and wasn’t so shocked, he never would have said what he said next.  “Do you want me to get rid of my queen size bed and get two twins?”


“I know you’re fresh out of college, dufus, but how can you be so naïve?  You’re asking me to share your apartment, and I’m asking you if I can share your bed.”


Jerry’s face did not reveal any emotion.  All he was wearing were shorts and sandals.  He shed them faster than the speed of light, and faced Colin naked.


Colin followed suit.  He grabbed Jerry’s hand, pulling him into the bedroom.  “Let’s make this a night to remember,” Colin said, “but before we do, I have to know how much you are going to charge me.”


Jerry lost his erection, and blubbered, “How did you know?”


“After breakfast this past Saturday, I sat at the pool for a few minutes, and I overheard two guys talking.  They said that they were glad to have met each other, and had sex.  One of them said that if they hadn’t gotten together, he might have ended up paying your exorbitant fees.  It didn’t take much to put two and two together.”


“I swear Colin, I love you.  I’ll never do that again.”


“I know that.  I was just teasing you.  I had two friends in college, who did what you did in order to pay for their educations.  One was straight, and he was very successful servicing very plain cougars.  My other friend serviced guys, mostly chubby, middle aged, married men.  You did what you had to do, and I don’t hate you or my two friends.  I will say, however, that puts you on a spot.”


“What do you mean?” Jerry whined.

“Well, you’re a professional.  I don’t expect ordinary sex.  I expect you to make extraordinary love with me.”


“Is that a challenge?” Jerry laughed.


“You bet it is.”

“Okay then,” Jerry stated with authority, and he threw Colin on his bed.  “Turn on your back,” he ordered.


Colin did as he was instructed, and Jerry fell on top of him.  He kissed Colin, forcing his mouth open.  His tongue gently tickled his lover’s.  Colin kept sighing.  Little by little Jerry worked his way down Colin’s body, sucking his neck, his ears, his tits, his belly button, and his pubic hair.  He bypassed Colin’s cock and balls, but managed to tease him with a lick and a promise.  Instead of taking Colin into him, and ending his agony, he licked up and down Colin’s legs, with emphasis on his inner thighs.  As a grand finale, he sucked all of Colin’s toes.  Jerry could hear Colin whimpering.  In a soothing voice he told Colin to turn over onto his stomach.


Colin turned and tried to get comfortable, but he couldn’t get his cock to find comfort in the bed sheet.  It was now a fat, round, cut, seven inches.  Involuntarily, he started to dry hump the sheets.  Jerry lay down on top of him again.  He started by kissing Colin’s neck and ears.  He worked his way down his lover’s body, but this time he stopped at Colin’s youthful bubbly ass.  He began to knead and kiss Colin’s cheeks.  Little by little, he pulled the cheeks apart, and began to lick up and down Colin’s crack, and every so often, he tried to enter Colin’s hole with the tip of his tongue.


“Please,” Colin begged.  “I can’t stand anymore.  Either fuck me or suck me, but get me off.”

“Turn over, my love,” Jerry said.  When Colin got comfortable on his back again, Jerry went right for his target.  He swathed the underside of Colin’s shaft until it glistened with his spittle.


Once again Colin begged, “Please.” 


Finally, Jerry took as much of Colin’s cock as he possibly could, inside him.  He closed his pursed lips on the bottom of Colin’s cock, and started pumping.  At the same time, his tongue ran up and down his lover’s rod.  Colin’s body began to buck and squirm.  In mere seconds, he came gushing his seed down Jerry’s throat.  Jerry held him in his mouth for as long as possible.  It was Colin, who begged to be free.


They lay side by side on their backs holding hands.  They were perfectly silent until Colin said, “Wow!   That was something else.  Promise me you’ll do that to me forever and ever.”


“I’m not making promises until I’m finished with you,” Jerry stated emphatically.  “We haven’t fucked each other yet.”


“That’s true,” Colin said, “but give me a chance to catch my breath, and I’ll give you a blow job first.”


“It better be good,” Jerry said.


“Well, you set the bar pretty high, but I promise to break your record for eroticism.”


Colin went one better than Jerry.  He kept Jerry “on the edge” several times before Jerry shot his load.  As Jerry lay crying, Colin crept up to him, and hunkered against the sobbing youth. 


It was well past midnight.  Colin whispered in Jerry’s ear, I love you, you know.”

Jerry whispered back, “I love you too,” and they fell fast asleep.


They hardly got out of bed over the next two days.  They only left the bed to make pit stops and to have a quick snack.  They had to fuck each other using condoms, but Jerry said that he knew several places in Ft Lauderdale that did AIDS testing.  They promised to get tested as soon as possible, so they could ditch the condoms.


Every time they fucked each other, they either laughed like hyenas, or cried tears of joy.  It was uncertain which emotion would overwhelm them after the love making.  They both had had plenty of sex in the past, but this was the first time for both of them to make real love.  For two days, the young men lived in outer space.


When they returned to the inn on Wednesday morning, the current bellhop assisted Colin in putting everything into his car.  He intended on going home with Jerry that night.  Every time I went through the lobby, Colin was there, holding Jerry’s hand.  They were so lost in conversation, that at one point the phone was ringing, and Jerry didn’t answer it.  I’m sure that he never even heard it.  I yelled at him, and he picked up the phone.


When he concluded his conversation with one of the guests, I smiled at the two young men.  I knew that I was powerless to overcome the magic spell of The CUMfort Inn, so I said to them.  “Take the rest of the day off Jerry.  I’ll cover the desk.  You can move Colin’s stuff to your place.  And Colin, you’re paid up for the week, so why don’t you hang out here.”


They both thanked me profusely, and surprised me by kissing me on my lips.  That got me hot, and I started fantasizing what I would do with Jake that night.  As they left the inn, I cautioned them that they had better learn to live apart during the day, because otherwise, both their jobs would be in jeopardy.


Clutching Colin’s hand, Jerry said, “That’s the hardest thing anyone ever asked me to do; learning to have periods of separation from you.”  He kissed Colin and they ran to Colin’s car.


The inn continued to prosper.  We were now booking by the day, or just a few days at a time, not just weekly stays.  Friday evening still remained as a get-to-know-you night, since most of our guests still booked for a week.  In order to remain efficient, we promoted Jerry to Day Manager, and we hired a Night Manager and an accountant.


Jake and I still lived at the inn, but we began to cut down our direct involvement in the daily operations, and began to travel, and enjoy our retirement.  The best part of each trip, was coming home to The CUMfort Inn.

More tales to cum…...


Posted: 06/03/16