Boca Raton Academy
 by: Hankster

© 2013 by the author


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Chapter 3 


Nothing could be further from the truth.  When Jim disrobed, and suggested that Stu do the same, Stu began to cringe.  He fell on his bed and curled into a fetal position. 


The school had a very strict rule.  Sex among the boys, among the faculty, among the non-academic staff, and in any combination thereof, had to be 100% consensual.  There was no way Jim was going to force himself on Stu.  Even though he was naked, he crawled into bed with Stu, and cradled the boy in his arms.


“There, there,” he said.  “Stuart, we aren’t going to do anything you don’t want to do.”  Stu sighed loudly and hunkered up to the naked senior.  He didn’t say a word, and Jim held him closer.  He wondered if the boy had ever had a bad sexual experience or maybe several bad experiences.  He didn’t have to wonder long.  Before he knew it, they were both sound asleep, and they woke up just in time for dinner.


They found Hardy and Philip and they sat together.  Philip was not surprised that Hardy and Jim kissed when they greeted each other, but Stu could not believe that they kissed in public.  Jim whispered something in Hardy’s ear, and then he said, “Orientation is over guys.  You boys get to spend Stu’s first night in your own room.  Hardy and I have big plans for tonight.”  He winked at Philip, who was visibly disappointed.  Philip looked at Stuart.  On the other hand, Philip detected relief on Stu’s face.  It never entered Philip’s mind that Stu was anti-sex.  Even though Hardy had failed to mention the school rule about consensual sex to Philip, he was raised better than to force himself on anybody anyway.


When Jim realized that the two boys would be alone, and that Philip was hot to trot, and Stu was hot not to, he told both boys about the long standing rule.  Stu was relieved, and Philip wondered why it was necessary to have a rule about anything so obvious.


“We can’t take you out with us tonight,” Hardy said, “but there’s a movie in the auditorium if you care to attend.  I don’t know how many of your class mates will be there, since I expect a few will be spending the night with their mentors.  The rest of the student body will be arriving in the next two days.”


“Wanna go to the movie?” Philip asked Stu after Jim and Hardy left them.


“Not really,” Stu shrugged his shoulders.  Philip took that to mean that Stu had more interesting things on his mind. 


“OK, so let’s go back to our room.”


“That’s fine with me.  I was on a red eye that got me here from Los Angeles at 4:30 this morning.  I’m really very tired.”


Philip wondered why he had the distinct feeling that there would be no sex this night.  Clearly, things had started out better yesterday.  He consoled himself with the thought of better days to come.


They returned to their room, and each boy sat down on his own bed facing each other.  It was obvious that they both intended to get to know each other.  Before they could begin to talk, there was a knock on the door.  The doors had no locks, and Philip yelled, “Come in.”


The boys were surprised.  A short, pudgy, balding man, of about fifty, entered the room.  He was totally naked, and sported a flaccid five inch cock which was not cut.  It was twice as wide as any cock either boy had ever seen.  Philip may have been shocked, but his mouth watered for that cock.


“Hello boys,” the man said.  “My name is Clarence Clemens (Philip could not believe that name) and I’m your FRA, faculty resident assistant.  For this entire year, I’m going to be living in room one at the foot of the dorm.  I want you to come to me anytime you have a problem or just need to talk.  I’m also going to be your math teacher, and boys, no pressure, but I’ve seen your grades and I expect big things from both of you.”


Clarence could see that both boys were staring at his cock.  “Oh yes, get used to it,” he said.  In the dorms clothing is optional.  You’ll find that some of your teachers will accept nudity in class, but in my class you will wear shorts, at least.”


That having been said, Clarence smiled broadly.  His demeanor was friendly and avuncular.  Philip suddenly wanted to pinch his pudgy cheeks, and stroke his beautiful uncut cock.  In fact he wanted to do more than stroke it.


“One more thing.  Tomorrow is Saturday, and if you would like to participate, your grade is going to the mall at 8AM.  Most of the stores will be closed when we get there, but they will all be open by the time we leave.  If you care to accompany me, please meet in the commissary for breakfast at seven.  The bus will be parked outside the commissary to take us to the mall.  You’ll find an alarm clock in your desk drawer.  I’ll leave you now.  Remember, I’m in room one.  You’re welcome any time, even tonight, if you’d like to…” he hesitated, “talk.”  Philip realized that this was an invitation to sex, and finally, even Stu began to get the picture.


After Clarence left, Stu lay down on his bed.  He started to cry, and curled up into a fetal position again.


As Jim had done before him, Philip was filled with the same compassion.  He crawled into bed with Stu, fully dressed, and put his arms around the sobbing boy.


“What’s wrong, Stu?  Whatever it is, can’t be that bad.  Tell me.  Let me try to help.”


“Nobody can help,” Stu whimpered.


Philip was raised believing that money could solve any problem.  “Oh yeah,” he said, “Try me.”


“If I confide in you, will you promise to keep it a secret.”


Wow! Philip thought.  This sounds so intriguing, like a  fucking movie.  He kissed his forefinger and middle finger and raised it to the sky.  “I swear,” he said.


Stu sat up and now the boys were sitting side by side on Stu’s bed.


“Let me give you the short version,” Stu said, “and when I’m finished, if you want to switch room mates, I’ll understand.”


“Shoot, and I doubt anything you say will make me want to change room mates.”


“You’re rich, aren’t you?”  Stu asked?


“I suppose so.  Aren’t you?”


“No.  I’m not.  I’m here on a scholarship, and I don’t belong here.  I’m surrounded by wealth, and soon you’ll all be talking about going to Ivy League schools, which I can’t afford.  What will I do when I get out of this posh place?  Work in a factory?”


“If you were smart enough to get a scholarship here, maybe you’ll get a scholarship to college.  It doesn’t have to be Ivy League.”


‘I’ve thought of that,” Stu said pensively, “but there’s more.  Promise to keep my secret?”


“I told you I would, and I never go back on my word.”


“I don’t know where my parents are, or if they are dead or alive.  In fact, I’m not sure who my father was.  My mother lived with several men, before the state took me away from her, and put me in foster care.”


“Oh Gawd!” Philip interjected.


“She was a crack head and she supported us by selling her body.  She was a prostitute, Philip, and her clients were pretty low class.  The guy she was with the longest, got her customers.  I guess he was her pimp.  I used to witness her fucking guys all the time.  I also saw the guys she was with, including her pimp, beat her up sometimes.  Sometimes I would hear her screaming at these guys that they were hurting her, but nobody ever stopped whatever it was they were doing.  Do you still want me to be your room mate?”


“Just go on with your story.  I’ll tell you how I feel when you are finished.”


 “One day I came home from school and neither of them was there.  I found some cold cuts in the fridge, and I made a sandwich.   I went to bed, waiting for them to come home.   They never showed up.  For three days I came home from school to an empty apartment.  Then the principal called me into his office.  He introduced me to a nice lady from Child Protective Services.  She took me home, and I packed my toothbrush and some meager possessions, and she took me to a shelter.  On the way she told me that my mother and ‘father’ had OD’d, and they were in a local hospital.


“A few days later, she placed me in a foster home in a beautiful suburb of LA.  My foster parents had two kids of their own.  They and the kids treated me very well, but none of them were ever affectionate, and the kids never included me in their after school activities.  They pretty much ignored me.  I waited and waited, but my mother never came to get me.  Looking back on it, I’m not sure that would have been a good thing for me.


“My teachers at school were the best.  Apparently my IQ is genius level, and the teachers could not get over my abilities.  It was the principal who sent my application here for a scholarship.  It seems he graduated from The Academy some fifteen years ago.”


Philip was sure that Stu had more to say so he remained silent.


“Did you have sex with Hardy?” Stu asked.



“Did you enjoy it?” 


“Yes, in fact I more or less seduced him.”


Stu started to cry.  “You see, when Jim started to undress, all the pain of my childhood came back to me.  I actually pushed him away.  I want to enjoy it like everyone else, but I can’t.  I keep hearing my mother crying out in pain. I’m so afraid.”  His sobbing grew louder.


Philip put his arms around Stu’s shoulders.  “Perhaps if you went to The Head, he could arrange some therapy for you.”


“No! No!,” Stu yelled.  “You promised me.  Nobody must know.”


“Ok.” Philip conceded.  “Will you let me help you?”




“I don’t know.  Let’s just play it by ear.  We could start by you getting used to naked bodies.  I thought you were going to die when Mr. Clemens came in naked.”


That brought a smile to Stu’s face at last.  “Yeah, I nearly did.”


“Let’s get naked,” Philip suggested.  “We’ll sleep together tonight.  I promise nothing will happen.  We’ll just hold each other.  We’ll pretend we’re alone in a forest, and we’re protecting each other.”


Stu smiled and started to undress.  They hung their uniforms up carefully in their armoires, and put their dirty underwear in the canvas bags.  Neither bag was very full so they returned them to the armoires.  They stopped for a moment to stare at their naked bodies.  Stu was not cut.  Philip got aroused at the prospect of sleeping with Stu.  His cock started to rise, so he quickly shut the lights on their desks, and they crawled into Stu’s bed.  Stu turned and faced the wall.  Philip nested against him, and Stu cringed.


“Easy tiger,” Philip said.  “I won’t do a thing.  Do you jack off?”


“No.  I’m afraid it might hurt.”


“I can see that we have a long road ahead of us.”

“Would you rather visit Mr. Clemens’ room tonight?”  Stu asked.


“It’s tempting, but I’d rather sleep with you; chastely I might add.”

“It’s a bummer for you, isn’t it?”


Philip put his arm around Stu’s chest.  “It’s not as bad as you might think,” he answered, as his eyes started to shut.


The alarm clock was set for 6:30 and it awakened them.  They were in the same position as the night before, but now they untangled from each other, and jumped out of bed.  They laughed when they saw each other’s woodies.  They ran to the bathroom to pee, and found several other boys there.  Introductions were made, and later, they and two of the others, showered and returned to their rooms.


“We don’t have to go to the mall.  We don’t even have to have breakfast,” Philip suggested as his eyes pointed back to Stu’s bed.


“They’ll bring us back at ten,” Stu said.  “Let’s have breakfast and check the mall out.  My foster parents gave me ten bucks when they put me on the plane.  Maybe we can buy some cookies and snacks to bring back with us.  We’ll have all afternoon, if you want, to get back in bed.  I gotta be honest, Phil… I mean Philip, I feel safe with your arms around me.”


Philip was thrilled at the subtle change in Stu’s attitude.  His challenge seemed less daunting all of a sudden.  “Great, let’s go to breakfast and the mall, and let the rest of the day take care of itself.  By the way, you can put your ten bucks in a safe place.  I told you, I’m filthy rich.  Snacks are on me.”


To be continued…


Author’s Note:  Just to set the record straight, Boca Raton Academy does not exist.  I am not aware of any academic institute of its nature existing anywhere in the world, except in my imagination.

Posted: 01/18/13