Boca Raton Academy
 by: Hankster

© 2013 by the author


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Chapter 14 


After receiving their doctorates, Stu and Marnie were both awarded research grants and faculty positions in New York.  Marnie went to Columbia and Stu went to Fordham. 


Margaret and Anthony begged them to move into their huge mansion.  Now that Philip lived most of the year in Boca Raton, and they lived in Palm Beach for the summer, the house was way too big.  Philip spent his summers between his apartment at The Academy, his home in Palm Beach, and his home in New York.  At first Stu and Marnie did not think it was a good idea.  They had a fifteen month old baby boy, and they felt they needed privacy, but reason prevailed.  Stu and Anthony ran the business from this house.  It was certainly big enough, and there was plenty of room if Stu’s California family, and Marnie’s Boston family, cared to visit.  In this day and age, a house like this one would cost a bloody fortune.  Stu had the money to buy a nice house or an apartment in New York, but it would be a crime to waste it.  He decided he’d rather finance his sibling’s educations, and give to charity and scholarship funds.  In fact he started another scholarship fund at The Academy.  In the end they took up residency in The Bonchance mansion.


Carla was admitted to Parson School of Design and was living in the mansion also, along with the staff and a nanny.  Carl was now a sophomore living in the dorms at Harvard.  Marnie’s parents had taken him under their wings, and he was invited to all holiday dinners and family events.  He was dating a few local girls, but none had rung his bell yet.  For the time being, he preferred to drive to New York after his last class on Friday, and join Anthony and Stu for boys’ night out.  Philip was usually in Florida, and could rarely join them except on school holidays.  Carl had a thing for Mike but Mike was in his final year at The Academy, and also rarely attended Friday meetings.


At The Academy, Philip was enjoying a multitude of male bodies.  Try as hard as he could, The Head could not suppress his jealousy.  He was ready to settle down now that he was in his mid forties.  Philip was still busy fucking his students, their fathers and some faculty members.  Of course, The Head still got most of Philip’s attention, particularly when they were working together. 


Unfortunately, Philip had concluded many years ago that Stu was the only person in the world he would ever settle down with.  Whether he was aware of it on a conscious level or not, Stu was his soul mate and his one true love.  But Stu was married, and a father to boot.  He could have him on Friday nights if he lived in New York, but he didn’t.  He began to think that he should seek a teaching position in New York so he could be closer to Stu.  He didn’t need a lot of money.  Whatever they paid him would be enough.  He was wealthy after all.  He started to send his résumé to New York City Colleges, and got no responses.  As a result, he began to send his résumé to Manhattan high schools.  He only got one response, and it was from a boys’ preparatory school.  He called the HR department and arranged an interview during Thanksgiving break.  His parents would already be in Palm Beach, but Stu would be at home and Carl would come in for the holiday.  He and his sister were going to LA for Christmas, but would be in New York for Thanksgiving.  He got excited at the prospect of sleeping with his two brothers.


Fate conspired in Philip’s favor.  Marnie’s family was adamant that they join them in Boston for the Holiday, since Margaret and Anthony were in Palm Beach.  Stu encouraged her to go with their son, Alan, who was named after Stu’s birth father.  He said that he could not join her because he had too much work to do for Bonchance Enterprises.  That was true, but his real motive was to be home with his two brothers.  He encouraged Marnie to invite Carla also, since there would be no real celebration of the holiday at home.  Carla was delighted, and when Stu picked Philip up at the airport, he told him that the three men would be alone together for nearly a week.  Philip sighed and just smiled at his brother.


Minutes after they got home, Carl arrived from Boston.  There was a group hug among the boys, and they retired to the dining room where the cook had prepared a scrumptious dinner.  Stu gave the staff several days off for the holiday, and they would be leaving after dinner.


Cook was in no hurry to leave.  She cleaned every last pot and dish and made sure the kitchen could pass captain’s inspection before she would leave, but finally she did.


“Well how’s the sex at Harvard?” Philip asked.  “Is it as good as when Stu and I went there?”


“I’ll tell you, and you can compare.  I’ve been getting into a few panties, but the girls just don’t push my heart strings.  Besides I can’t stand the odor of pussy even when they are perfectly clean.  The problem is that I have only been with two guys and they don’t do it for me either.”


“Well,” Philip said, “my experience was certainly different.  I never fucked a guy, who didn’t push all my buttons, and Stu met Marnie early on.  That was it for him, except for an occasional sojourn with me.  This reminds me, guys, I came home to be with you two squirts.  Why are we wasting so much time?”


They smiled at each other and bounded up the stairs to Stu’s bedroom.  He shared it with Marnie, and he had a huge king size bed.  They showered together, and played with each others’ cocks.  They sucked each other, and fucked using soap as a lubricant.  When they finally got into bed, they needed to just lie there to recover.  They hugged and kissed each other and told each other how much they loved one another.  They had intended to fuck some more, but they all fell asleep and slept until morning.


The next morning was the morning before Thanksgiving.  Stu had made reservations at their city club for Thanksgiving dinner.  The club was only open for lunch and dinner, so they decided to have breakfast this morning at The Plaza.  They were just sitting down, when Carl saw Franklin Robbins enter with his family.  Michael had flown up for the holiday also, but he must have been on a different flight than Philip.  Frank spotted Philip and came over to say hello.


Frank introduced his wife, Harriet, their daughter Staci and their son Michael, as if Stu and Carl had never met Michael.  Everyone was aware that Michael was one of Philip’s students.


“Where are Margaret and Anthony?” Frank asked.


“In Palm Beach I’m afraid.  Our Thanksgiving dinner will be at The Club, but at least we brothers will be together.”


The Robbins said goodbye and were seated at a nearby table.  Halfway through breakfast, Frank came to their table.  He handed Carl a piece of paper, and whispered.  “It’s Michael’s telephone number.  Please call him.”  Then in a louder voice he invited the men to dinner that evening at his house.


“It will just be my family and you three.  My wife and daughter will be out shopping on Friday, perhaps we can all get together again then,” Frank suggested.


“Sounds like a plan,” Stu said.  Just then Michael came over to their table.  “Hey Carl.  I’m going ice skating this afternoon.  How would you like to join me?”


Carl looked at his older brothers, who nodded.


“Great! Come home with us after breakfast.”


Philip was overjoyed.  He would be alone with Stu all afternoon.


When Carl got to The Robbins home, Michael said, “Let’s go up to my room and see if any of my skates fit you.  If not, we can rent you a pair.”  The young men bounded up the stairs, and Michael locked his bedroom door.  They embraced and started to kiss passionately.

“Are you coming to the father/son club this Friday?” Michael asked.

“I don’t know.  My brothers and I are enjoying our own little club, and we haven’t discussed it.”


“Please convince them to come, but in the meantime I can’t wait.”  Michael started to undress and Carl followed suit.  They indulged in much foreplay, kissing and fondling.  Each of them seemed to know what turned the other one on.  It wasn’t until Carl was cumming in Michael’s mouth that he realized that Michael had pushed all the right buttons.  Carl and Michael were falling in love.


“You know,” Carl said as they shared a cab to Rockefeller Center, “it would be great if you applied to Harvard next year.’


“I already have.”


As soon as they got home, Stu and Philip rushed to Philip’s bedroom.  In seconds they were making love passionately.  There were no restrictions between them.  They rimmed, fucked, and sucked in bed.  In the shower they played water games.  These were things they only did together, and never with anyone else.


After play time, they lay in bed, cuddled up together, and Philip said, “Stu, I can’t live without you.  I’ve decided that I’m moving back to New York.”


“No,” Stu said forcefully.  I won’t let you.”

Philip was shocked.  “What are you saying?  Why not?”


“Look Phil, the time I spend with you, the time I spend with Dad, and even with Carl, is precious to me.  But it’s part time love.  Dad has Mom, and I have Marnie.  My sincerest wish for you and Carl is that you find someone also.  I don’t care if it’s a guy or a girl so long as it’s full time.  We can still love each other at every opportunity, but I love you too much to give you a small part of me.  I pray that there is someone out there who will give you 100%.  You aren’t always going to be young, handsome and eternally virile.  I pray you will find a lifetime companion, and soon.”

Stu’s words hit Philip like a ramrod between his eyes.  Of course Stu was right.  The physical love he could share with his family would, by necessity, always be part time, even though the emotional love was eternal.  He gave those words a lot of thought. 


Stu and Carl had to talk him into going to the father/son club on Friday.  He wasn’t blind, and he could tell that there was more going on between Michael and Carl, than pure sex.  They refused to be separated for father/son hour.


“Anthony isn’t here,” Carl correctly observed, “so let me stay with Michael and Frank.”  Frank smiled, and agreed.  It was obvious to everyone what was happening and they were all happy.


Philip found himself obliged to cancel his interview at the private school.  On the flight back to Palm Beach, Philip was pleased to see that Michael was on the same flight.  They were both in first class, and prevailed upon a nice old lady sitting next to Philip to trade seats with Michael.


“My car is at the airport so you can drive back with me,” Philip told Michael.


“I’m glad, sir,” Michael said.


“You don’t have to call me sir unless we are on campus, or I am heading up a field trip,” Philip said.


“I know, but the minute we got on this plane I felt like we were back in school.”

“Why did you say that you were glad that I was driving you back to school?”


“I’m pretty sure that we are going to be brothers some day, Philip.  Carl and I… Carl and I, I think we are falling in love.  We’ve already made plans to room together on or off campus next year.  And we are both interested in majoring in the sciences like Stu.  I know we are young, and I’m sure you think we are too young, but we want to spend our lives together.”


“I think that’s wonderful, Michael.  I don’t think you are too young.”  Philip was full of things to think about.  Carl’s words came back to him.  Stu and his father had loving companions, full time.  Now Carl was about to embark on life with his companion and partner.  Here he was, still in his twenties, but envying everyone he loved.  He couldn’t speak anymore, and pretended to doze off.


His thoughts went to Jeremy.  Nobody outside of his family loved him more than The Head.  Suddenly Philip had an epiphany.  He realized that when he and Jeremy made love, it was so different than with the boys, or the staff, or even the mature fathers.  He and Jeremy made love with sensuality and passion.  He knew that Jeremy loved him.  Could it be that he loved Jeremy?


As they were getting their carry on bags out of the overhead bin, Michael asked, “Can I have first dibs for tonight, sir?”


“I’m really sorry, Michael, but I’ll be busy tonight.”


Michael looked pretty disappointed.  “Maybe tomorrow?” he asked.


“We’ll see.”


Philip dropped Michael off at his dorm, parked his car in its assigned space, and headed to Jeremy’s office.  He found The Head pouring over some budget sheets.  Jeremy’s eyes lit up when he saw Philip.


“Did you have a nice holiday?” Jeremy asked.


“Yes, very nice.  I spent it trying to line up a teaching job in New York.”


Jeremy looked like he had just been crushed under a truck.


“When will you be leaving us?”


“Who said anything about leaving?”

“But you said…”


“I said I was trying to get a job.  I wasn’t successful.  Besides how could I ever leave you again?  Once was enough.”


Jeremy was completely confused.  He couldn’t fathom what Philip was saying.  “What are you saying, Assistant Head Master?” he asked.


“I’m saying that I realize that I love you.  I want to be with you.  I couldn’t take another job if it was offered to me.”


Jeremy’s eyes started to tear.  He grabbed Philip and started to kiss him so that he wouldn’t see how wet his eyes were.


“If you still want to settle down with me,” Philip said, “I do have one condition.  I’m all yours, heart and soul, but not my body.  Jeremy I can’t promise you fidelity.”

“That’s a relief, you big jerk.  Neither can I.” 


The End

Posted: 02/22/13