The Chandlers
 by: Hankster

© 2012 by the author


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Chapter 2 


John, Jr.


Junior was sixteen when Uncle Ron came to live with his family.  George was fifteen, Harry was fourteen, and the twins, Gerry and Frank were thirteen.  The year was 1946.  John, Sr. had not been drafted for the war because he had so many children; because he was thirty-six when the war began; and because pharmacists had a preferred status.  They were deemed necessary to serve the civilian population.  Junior always wondered why his Uncle Ron had been rejected from serving during the war.  He was young enough, single, and did not have his dad’s preferred status.


Ron worked for McCrory’s Five and Dime store, which was located around the corner from Chandler’s Drug Store.  He had elevated himself to the position of store manager.  His nephews loved to buy stuff there.  Uncle Ron personally handled the sale for them.  The only thing they never did was use the soda fountain.  That would have been disloyal to their father, whose store had the best soda fountain in town anyway.


From the time he was fourteen, Junior started badgering his father to take him on a hunting trip with Uncle Ron, but his dad always had an excuse to deny his request.  After Ron moved in, he could avoid it no longer, and he gave in.  “It’s just this one time,” he told Junior.  “Don’t expect it to happen again.”  Junior was disappointed, but it was a step in the right direction.


The five brothers were as close and as thick as any brothers could be.  By the time the twins were instructed in how to masturbate by their big brothers, at the ripe old age of eleven, they all had confided in each other that they were all queer except Harry.  Poor Harry.  They kidded him unmercifully, but Harry took the ‘abuse’ because he knew how much they loved him.

They spent hours discussing what astronomical odds there must be in four out of five brothers being homosexual.  “I’ll bet it’s in the quadrillions,” Gerry announced at one of their gab sessions.  He had no idea what a quadrillion was.  The only thing that they did not share was the fact that the twins were having sex together.  The twins were waiting for the right time to announce their night time activity.  At the time Ron moved in, none of the others even thought about doing each other.  If George wasn’t sharing a bedroom with his heterosexual brother, and if Junior didn’t have his own bedroom, things might have been different.


After awhile the subject of the odds of so many homos being in one family became stale.  About two months after Ron became a member of the household, Junior declared, “I’m pretty sure Uncle Ron is queer.”


“What makes you think so?” George asked, giving rise to a whole new area of conversation for the brothers to pursue.


“Well, I always wondered why he was exempted from the draft.  The army doesn’t take in fairies, you know.”


“Maybe he has flat feet,” George noted.


“That’s possible, but he never goes out on a date with a woman.”


“He doesn’t go out with men either, as far as I can see,” George persisted.


“Well, I intend to find out,” Junior declared.

“How?” the twins asked together.


“Lots of ways.  First of all, I’m going hunting with him and Dad in a couple of weeks, and I intend to keep an eye on him and be a spy.”


“What are you going to do on the hunting trip?  Ask him outright?” Harry wanted to know.


“Maybe.  Maybe I’ll let Dad and him know about me, and test Uncle Ron’s reaction.”

“Yeah, but Dad might kill you.  You better let him know that I’m the only normal one around here,” Harry piped up.  Junior threw a pillow at him.


“Listen squirt,” he said to Harry, “around here you’re the queer one.”  That struck everyone so funny they began to laugh hysterically, prompting Hope to yell from the kitchen, “Quiet down up there.”


Junior didn’t have to wait until the hunting trip to learn about Uncle Ron.  He found out about his uncle, and a good deal more, quite by accident a few days before the big trip.


It was the Sunday before the trip.  The drug store was open, and the weekend pharmacist was covering for John.  All the brothers, except Junior, had gone to a movie matinee.  Junior had too much homework, and he wanted to get everything done before the upcoming hunting trip, so he stayed home, studying in his room.  Hope was manning a booth at a church bake sale, and she had stayed on at the church after the service.  When Ron and John came home, they believed that they were alone in the house.


Junior heard them come in, and he wondered why they didn’t call up the stairs to say hello.  He was about to call to them, when he realized that they might think he went to the movies with his brothers.  He held his breath.  This was his opportunity to do some spying.  He slipped quietly out of his room and peered cautiously over the stair rail.  He could just about make out his father and uncle sitting on the sofa in the living room.  They were talking, but he could not make out what they were saying. 


He grew bolder and took the first few steps down the stairs.  Now he could see more of them.  No wonder he couldn’t make out what they were saying.  They were whispering to each other and making little purring sounds.  He needed just another step or two, but if he took them, he might be discovered.  He took them anyway, and he heard his father say, very softly, “That feels so nice.”


Now he had a good view.  Both men had their cocks out, and both were stroking the other’s.  Junior hardly had a chance to react to the scene below him, when Uncle Ron leaned over and took John’s massive cock into his mouth.  Junior had never seen his father aroused, and he was proud and amazed at his size.  Uncle Ron was not so well endowed.


Junior wanted to run and hide somewhere, but he was glued to the step he was on.  He was a dedicated observer when his father came in Uncle Ron’s mouth.  The man screamed loud enough to be heard next door.  After awhile, Ron released his father, and his father went down on him.  Finally, Junior could take it no longer, and he crept silently back to his room, with the firm knowledge that he could not tell his brothers anything he had just seen.


Junior was quiet and very morose in the days before the hunting trip.  He didn’t know how he should handle his new found knowledge.  He debated coming out to the adults once they set up camp.  He also considered cancelling out on them, but he wanted to confront them with his knowledge.  He figured that it must be a burden for them to be hiding how they felt about each other, and it might help them to know that they had an ally in him, and someone they could confide in.  But seriously, was he the one to be their confidante?


The boy was very troubled.  He had nobody he could talk to except maybe his closest in age brother, George.  More confusion!  He didn’t want to burden any of his brothers with the knowledge that their father was queer.  They already suspected that their uncle was a homo, and that was hard enough for them to accept.


In the end, he decided to do and say nothing and see what would happen when the three of them were alone on the trip.  As they drove to the campsite, John said to Junior, “Son, Ron and I have a confession to make to you.”


Junior’s heart stopped beating.  This was it.  His father was going to come out to him.  He held his breath.


“Neither of us can bear to kill anything.  We tell your mother we go hunting, but what we really do is just set up camp, commune with nature, and just talk.  It’s a quiet, tranquil time away from the stresses of our every day lives, and we enjoy it.  I hope that will be enough for you, son.  We won’t really be doing any hunting.”


Junior was relieved, and disappointed at the same time.  He was hoping for a real confession.  “It’s OK, Dad,” he said.  “I couldn’t kill an animal either.  I’ll be very happy to sit around a campfire and just talk with you two guys.  I love you both, and this will give us all a chance to really bond.”

“You don’t know how relieved I am,” Uncle Ron said.  “Another thing you should know is that if the weather permits, we strip naked.  It’s part of our commune with nature.”


Junior made up his mind to come out to his father when the three of them were just sitting around chewing the breeze, and naked.  Being naked sort of makes you vulnerable, he thought.  He had permission from his other three homosexual brothers to tell their father about them too.  He figured he would fire all his guns while they were far away from the civilized world.  He hoped his father would be calm and accepting by the time they got home.


They arrived at the camp site late in the afternoon, and laid out their sleeping bags in a circle.  In the middle of the circle, they made a small fire to cook some of the canned goods they had brought with them.  As the sun set and the area grew dimmer and dimmer, Ron said, “Well men, it’s time to strip.”  He and John started to take their clothes off.  Junior hesitated, but he soon followed suit.  They sat down on their sleeping bags facing the waning fire.


“Isn’t this peaceful, son?” John asked Junior.


“It sure is, Dad.  Thanks for bringing me along.”


John and Ron had reconciled themselves to the fact that there would be no sex this trip so Ron just grunted.  He wasn’t a happy camper, literally.


They spoke a little while about the high school football team, the retail business, what Junior was doing in school, and so on, just a lot of small talk, and then they grew silent.  Each one was staring at the stars, which seemed twice the size of the stars in the city.  Junior glanced at his father and uncle. Even in the dim light, he could see that their cocks were erect.


After a long silence, Junior decided to come out.  It was now or never. “Dad, Uncle Ron,” he stuttered, “I need to tell you something.”

“Sounds serious,” John said.  “Is everything all right?”


“I’ll let you be the judge of that.”  He hesitated again.


“Well tell us.  Don’t leave us guessing.”


Junior decided to blurt it out and not give anyone else a chance to speak until he was done.  “I’m a homo, Dad, and so are George and the twins.  Harry is the only son you have who is heterosexual.  Uncle Ron, we’ve been guessing that you are queer also.”


Junior expected a reaction from his father, violent or otherwise, but the reaction he got shocked him.  John said very quietly, “Please son, promise me that you won’t ever again use words like homo, queer, fairy, et cetera.  They are derogatory and they offend me.  I wish they would invent a word that won’t be so offensive.” 


John stood up and pulled Junior up from where he was sitting.  Ignoring their nakedness, he embraced his son, and whispered in his ear, “I love all my sons beyond my own life.  I would gladly give up my life for any one of you.  Thank you for being honest with me.  It proves I raised you right.”


Ron sat by crying.  Finally he said, “You and your brothers are right about me, Junior.  I am a homosexual.”  He stood up and the three men engaged in a group hug.


“Junior I have a confession also,” John said.  “I’m going to tell you my little secret.  You’re old enough to understand now.  Someday I’ll tell your brothers, but you must promise me that you will never tell them.  That’s my job.”

“Now you’re scaring me Dad.  Please tell me what it is.”  Junior hoped it was what he thought it was.


“Junior, I love your mother.  Please believe me, but after she learned that she was pregnant with each of you boys, she cut off having sex with me.  After the twins were born, she wouldn’t have sex even if I used a rubber.  She didn’t want a foreign substance in her, and she also believed that it was against God’s will to use contraception.  I haven’t had sex with your mother since the twins were conceived.  She’s past menopause and she still won’t have sex with me.  Forgive me son, but I have a lover.”


“I don’t blame you Dad, but do I know who she is?”  He was toying with his Dad. 


Before John could answer that difficult question, Uncle Ron spoke up.  “Junior, when your mother was only eight weeks pregnant with you, your father complained to me that he needed desperately to have sex, and your mother was denying him.  All I did was offer to whack him off and show him how swell it is when someone else does it for you.  He reluctantly agreed, and in the end, he loved it.  One thing led to another, and your father and I have been lovers since before you were born.”


“Please, Son,” John piped in.  “Don’t hate us.  I couldn’t stand it if you hated us.”


“I don’t hate you guys.  I feel sorry for you.  I swear, I will never marry a woman no matter what pressure society puts on me.  I am what I am, and I’m going to live that way.”


That got father and uncle sobbing like babies.  “Listen,” Junior said to get their attention, “I know about you two.  I swear Dad, I haven’t told my brothers, and I promise not ever to.”


“How did you find out?” John asked incredulously.


“I caught you at it just last week when you guys thought you were alone in the house.”


“Good God,” Ron said, “What other little secrets have you got to tell us?”                    


“What about the rest of you?” John asked.  He really wanted to explore the mating habits of his sons.


“We’re all virgins as far as I know, but Harry is a technical virgin.  His girlfriend jerked him off a few times, but she won’t have sex with him.  She’s pretty wise.  They’re way too young.  Also I think the twins are making it together, but I have no proof, so I would keep that under our hats.”


“So you’re a virgin,” Ron commented.  “Do you have a boyfriend?”


“No Uncle.  The guys at school do everything they can to hide their sexual preferences, and I’d be afraid to find out who shares my views.  George and I discuss it often.  We conjecture who among our friends might want to have sex with us.  So far we have come up empty handed.”


“I daresay that you will lose your virginity in college.  Unfortunately, I didn’t.  I was a virgin until the day after I married your mother.  I was twenty-five.”


“I had my first sexual encounter when I was seventeen, “Ron said.  “It was with a much older, married man.  I swore never to reveal his name.  I was still a teen-ager when your father and I got together.  I haven’t been with anyone since.”


That got Junior feeling guilty.  “Look guys,” he said.  I’ll move my sleeping bag over there, out of eyesight and maybe hearing.  Why don’t you two make love?  I don’t want to stand in your way.”

“Does that mean we have your blessing?” John asked. 


“Absolutely, and from the way Mom is acting, I believe that without meaning to, she is giving you permission, Dad, to take another lover.”


“I never thought of it that way, Son.  Thanks for pointing it out.”


“Maybe she has another lover also,” Ron broke out laughing.


“Anything is possible,” John said.  “Right now, it’s just you and me.  Let’s take Junior up on his offer, and let him move his sleeping bag away from us.”


“You don’t have to ask me twice,” Junior said as he scooted away.


When they got home and Junior was alone in his room, the other brother’s burst in on him and shut the door.

“Well?” Frank asked.

“Well what?”


“You know what.”


“OK! OK!  I came out to them, and they know about George and the twins.  Uncle Ron admitted he was queer too.”


“How did Dad take it?” George asked.


“First off, he told me never to use derogatory words like queer, homo and fairy.  Then he told me that it didn’t matter to him, and that he loved us all, even Harry.”  That got everyone laughing.


“How come you didn’t bring home a deer or something?” Gerry asked.


“That’s a whole other story.  Listen up, brothers.  Dad and Uncle Ron hate hunting.  They just go to have a quiet time and commune with nature.  They could no more kill an animal than I could.  Isn’t that swell?”


To be continued...

Posted: 10/26/12