David and Jonathan II
 by: Hankster

© 2013 by the author


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Chapter 8
After The Seduction

Frank could barely function all day Sunday.  He kept thinking about the fantastic sex he had with his own son, and with David and Jonathan.  His wife kept asking him if something was wrong, and he just snapped back at her.  He told her he was fine and to stop nagging him.  Now that his fantasies had been realized he was intolerant of everything she said and did.

Ray came home from the city at about 6 PM, and Frank got even worse.  He longed to touch his son, caress his cock, and to kiss his moist and passionate lips, but alas, they were never alone.  Frank could not wait to go to work the next day.  Maybe if he was busy enough, he thought, his mind would be diverted. 

Frank’s factory was located in Brooklyn, NY and he manufactured clothing for several large children’s fashion houses.  Ray’s summer job was helping around the office.  Frank was going crazy to have his son in such close proximity, and to be unable to touch him.  At about 11 AM, Frank called Ray into his office, and told him to get ready to go to lunch.

“It’s a little early, isn’t it?”

“Just walk to my car with me,” Frank said curtly.

Frank drove a little above the speed limit and pulled into a sleazy motel about two miles from the factory.

“Stay in the car,” he ordered.  A few minutes later, he came out of the motel office, jumped in the car, and drove it around to the rear of the motel.  “I asked for a back room,” he explained.

Frank practically dragged Ray into the motel room.  By this time Ray was fully aware of what was going on with his father, and he was disturbed at how obsessed Frank seemed to be.

“Dad,” Ray said, “calm down.  You’re out of control.  I’m here for you and I’ll do whatever you want me to.  Now take a deep breath, and go slow.”

“I’m sorry son,” Frank said contritely, “but I need this so badly.  I’ve repressed my true self for a lifetime and I have to fly free at last.”

“I need it too, so let’s make love slowly, sensuously as if we have all the time in the world.” 

That’s just what they did.  Two and a half hours later they were completely spent, and were ready to vacate the room.

“Man, you’re good, son,” Frank said.  “Just how much experience have you had?”

“I won’t lie, Dad.  I’ve been around the block many, many times, but you can thank Alan and Matt for my expertise.  Remember, from the time they were teeny boppers, and earlier for Matt, they had four experienced, mature fathers to show them the way.”

“God, I envy them.  I swear, Ray, I love your mother, but I don’t know if I can ever make love to her again.  Her vagina doesn’t come close to your ass for satisfaction.”

Ray turned scarlet.  “Dad please, that’s TMI.”

“Sorry.  When we are making love or talking sex, I think of you as a buddy, not as my son.”

“That’s funny,” Ray replied.  When I make love to you, and realize I’m doing my father, I get so hot, I can hardly bear it.  I love you so much Dad.”

“I love you too.  That’s why I want you to find a life partner your own age, like your room mates have done.  You can see how happy they are.  They have the best of all possible worlds, their partners and their fathers.”

“They are happy, Dad, and I know your advice is sound, but right now, if you were free, I’d want to live the rest of my life making love to you to the exclusion of all others.”

“I feel the same way, but I just know you’ll meet someone, and when you do, I hope he’ll be as liberal as your room mates, and let me into your lives.”

“The guy I end up with will have to love you as much as Matt and Alan love their dads, and in the same way.  That’s a promise, and I won’t have it any other way.”

For the rest of the summer, Frank and Ray took extra-long lunch hours at every opportunity, and made love at the motel.  Being able to relieve himself this way, made Frank more tolerant, and therefore more loving, at home.  He no longer snapped at everything Donna said.  She did notice that he performed less and less frequently in the bedroom, but she was post-menopausal, and she figured that his age was catching up with him as well.  She was perfectly satisfied with whatever they had together.

Frank feared that when Ray went back to school, he might tense up again, and start lashing out at Donna for no reason.  He began to go into the city more often during working hours to visit Juan’s gym.  He also decided to create more business meetings, when David and Jonathan were available.  It wasn’t ideal, but he knew that if he didn’t do these things, he would go crazy.

Fortunately, David and Jonathan found Frank very attractive, and they made as much time for him as they could.  They debated bringing Ben and Mike into the act, but hesitated.  Then one day David pointed out that they had adopted Ray and Frank into the family, and he shouldn’t be left out of their relationship with Ben and Mike.

The next time Frank knocked at the twins’ door for one of his “visits,” Ben and Mike were there.  Frank could not stay more than two hours.  The orgy which ensued was marred by his clock watching.  Nobody said anything, but they all knew what he was going through.  They felt pity for him on the one hand, and on the other hand they were frustrated at the way the love making was going.  The only real fun they had was when Ben insisted on measuring Mike and Frank to see who was bigger and fatter in the groin area. 

Mike wanted to give Frank a lecture about making up his mind.  He couldn’t live two lives forever, but he wisely decided that he should wait for a better time.  Anyway, nobody had to tell Frank that the love making wasn’t the best that evening.

Driving home, he was fully aware that by watching the clock for fear of getting home late, and then having to make excuses to Donna, he was not receiving or giving his best performance.  It was not what he wanted, nor what his new brothers wanted.  His frustrations were rebuilding anew, and he saw no way out of his self-made dilemma.

He was in a terrible mood that evening, and snapped at everything Donna said.  She retired early, and left him in the den watching television. 

In the meantime, the other four fathers were discussing the situation, and it was Mike who suggested that the way to get Frank fully relaxed, and enjoying male sex, was to take him away for a weekend.

“We could take him to The Poconos, and he could tell his wife that we are going on a camping trip,” Ben suggested.

“But she knows that we are all gay.  It might make her wonder,” Jonathan piped in.

“I don’t know,” David suggested.  “They’ve been married a long time.  She must be sure of his sexuality by now, and wouldn’t question it.  I think we should present the idea to him, and let him make the decision.”

“Yes,” Mike said, “and going with you guys to that gay resort was the best decision I ever made in my life.”  Ben kissed him on the cheek.  The four men then chose three weekends ranging over the next two months, when they could all get away together.

“I’ll call Frank tomorrow, and see if he can get away on any of those weekends without his wife getting suspicious,” David volunteered.  “I’ll get back to you guys as soon as I know something.”

Frank picked the first available weekend without consulting Donna.  His obsession was so out of control that he didn’t give a damn what she would think.  He even planned on telling her that he would stay at the Caldwell’s the night before, because they were leaving so early in the morning.

The weekend was almost three weeks away, and Frank couldn’t wait that long.  The “camping trip” gave him an idea.  He would take a few days off this week, and go visit Ray. 

That night at dinner, Frank sprung both trips on Donna.  She didn’t say much about the camping trip, but she said she wanted to go to Boston to see Ray also.  Frank lost his breath denying her the trip.

“It’s for me,” he yelled.  “I need to get away.  I’ve got to get out of here.”  He ran to his den, which had become his sanctuary, and locked the door.  Donna was so hurt, she couldn’t think straight.  She wondered if she could talk Frank into visiting a shrink, or at the very least, a marriage counselor.  Their marriage was in severe danger, and she had lost control of Frank.  She couldn’t figure out what was bothering him.

Frank spent the night in his den, and Donna went to sleep in their bed.  After she had calmed down considerably, she began to think more clearly.  It came to her in a flash.  Frank was going camping with four gay men.  Granted, they had all become friends, but she believed the situation to be inappropriate.

He had also told her, he could bunk in Ray’s house.  “There’s a sofa there,” he had said.  Nevertheless, there were five gay men in that house, and Frank preferred to be there rather than stay in a hotel.

Deep, dark suspicions invaded her thoughts.  She made up her mind to ask Frank point blank what his problem was, but she wasn’t sure she would ever get up the nerve.  She wasn’t even sure she wanted to know the truth, if the truth was what she suspected.

In the morning, Frank packed a bag.  He told Donna that he would drive up to Boston as soon as he could get out of the office this afternoon.  He left the house without kissing her goodbye.  It was the first time he had ever done that.  Donna’s tears flowed steadily all day, as her suspicions grew stronger.

As soon as he got into his car to drive to Brooklyn, Frank called Ray.  He wanted to reach him before he left for classes.

“What time do you think you’ll get home today?” he asked his son.

“About 3 o’clock.  Why are you asking, Dad?”

“I’ll be leaving right after lunch.  I should get there by four.  Don’t go anywhere.  I’m staying for a few days.  Tell your room mates, I’d like to take you all out to dinner tonight.  If you want, son, make reservations at the best restaurant in town.”

Ray knew that his father was obsessed, but he also knew that he was getting plenty of male sex for a man his age.  His behavior was simply abnormal, and Ray was concerned.  Frank knew that his roommates slept with Matt and Alan’s fathers.  He wondered if Frank would make a move on them.  They would welcome it, he knew, but still Frank was just not acting like he was in his right mind.  If this is what happens, after suppressing your very essence for a lifetime, Ray was glad that he was out, and he didn’t care who knew it.

Frank left his office long before noon.  It wasn’t enough that he would sleep with his son tonight, he hoped to have an orgy, like he had with the fathers of his son’s roommates.  Only this time, he wouldn’t look at his watch.  They would go slow and make it last all night. 

His yearning was so intense that he paid scant attention to the road or to his driving.  He began to weave across the lanes, and almost side swiped several cars.  Eventually, he was stopped by a state trooper in Connecticut.  He passed the sobriety test, but was cited for reckless driving and speeding.

“I know you’re in a hurry to get somewhere,” the trooper droned, “but if you kill yourself you won’t ever get there, and if you kill others, you’re not going to get there any time soon.”

The trooper’s words fell on deaf ears, but it did sober Frank slightly, and he slowed down.  He finally got that if he had an accident, he wouldn’t sleep with anyone this evening.

He arrived long before any of the boys came home.  He sat in his car in front of the house, and waited.

To be continued...

Posted: 12/13/13