The Transplanted Heart
 by: Hankster

© 2009 by the author


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Chapter 5


Every day when Roger left to perform his pastoral duties, he believed that Jimmy was resting or going to physical therapy.  A cab was always there to take him to and from his therapy, but he was not resting at all.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Jimmy was searching the internet and making calls hoping to secure a position with a church in Atlanta.  He wasn’t too successful at first.


When asked about his availability, he answered, “In about six weeks.”  Then it was four and then two and finally he was given the go ahead by his cardiologist and he said that he could begin immediately.  One of the churches that responded to his letter and résumé, arranged an interview for him with the church board.  It was for the position of assistant pastor.  Jimmy didn’t mind that at all.  He just wanted to get back to work, and preach his new philosophy.


Jimmy immediately called Bill, the hair stylist, who came to the house and gave him a magical haircut.  On the morning of the interview, he borrowed a suit from Roger’s closet, and took a cab to the church.  The cab stopped in front of the church and Jimmy got out.  He stood gazing at the church and his heart skipped a beat.  The church was almost as large as St. Benedict, and nearly as ornate, but compared to his old church it was practically a cathedral.  He stared at the name over the front door.  CHURCH OF THE SAVIOR, and underneath that: A METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH.


Jimmy had never heard of that church, but he had assumed that it was a Protestant church.  He stood outside, hesitating to enter.  He would not lie, but he didn’t have to tell either, and he prayed nobody would ask about his sexual orientation.  If they did, he vowed to tell the truth.


He heard Robbie giggling.  You’ll be happy to tell them that you’re gay.


What do you mean?  Robbie thought.


No answer.  Sometimes Robbie could be a big tease.


Jimmy had been told that when he entered the church, he should turn right and he would see a door that led to the church offices.  Sure enough there it was.  He knocked on the door and went in.  There was an outer office for a receptionist, but the office was empty.  In the rear there were two other doors and he could hear talking from behind one door.  He approached that door and knocked.


The door opened, and a man in his early sixties was smiling at him.


“You must be James Winningham,” he said extending his hand.  “I’m Darryl Williams, Senior Pastor here.  It’s a real pleasure to meet you.  Please let me introduce you.  This is our Board President, Timothy O’Shea and another Board member, John Lafferty.  We three will make the decision.  We didn’t want to overwhelm you with the whole Board of Directors.”


Jimmy shook each of their hands and then sat in a chair that Darryl pointed to. 


“Now Jimmy, I must tell you that we have already spoken to your references, the present pastor of your old church and the Board President.  They both gave you high marks and explained why you left.  How is your health now?” Darryl asked.  Jimmy sensed that the question was asked out of concern and didn’t seem to be part of the interview process.


“I’m great.  My doctor has given me a clean bill of health.  I can do anything I want within moderation.”


“I’m really glad to hear that,” Darryl said smiling.  “I do have one concern.  I know that you are a Baptist, but our service has a lot more ritual than you have.  It leans towards Episcopalian.  Do you think that you can handle that?”


Jimmy began to laugh.  Then he said something so spontaneously, he wanted to die after he said it.  “My lover is an Episcopal priest and I have been going to his church every Sunday for weeks now.  I am very familiar with the service.”


When he realized that he had just outed himself, he wanted to get up and run, so the reaction he got was amazing.


“I’m so glad you’re partnered,” Timothy said.  “You surely must know that you are really hot, and having a partner will avoid distractions, if you know what I mean?”


Jimmy didn’t know what he meant, nor could he fathom Timothy’s reaction.  He decided to remain silent, and not comment.  He thought it would be best to see how this all played out.


Darryl continued.  “After speaking to your references, we became convinced that you were the man for the job, but we would like for you to conduct the early service this Sunday, and deliver the homily before we make a final decision.” 


“How many services do you have on Sunday?” Jimmy asked in amazement.


“Two,” Darryl answered.


Jimmy was thrilled, excited and scared, all at the same time, until he heard Robbie.  Relax Jimmy.  This opportunity came to you through divine intervention.  This church will become your home and one day you will be the senior pastor.


“Let me offer some advice when you prepare your sermon,” Darryl said.  “Our church is all inclusive.”  Jimmy had no idea what Darryl meant.  “Every Sunday our seats are filled with Christians of many religious backgrounds, but we also have non-Christians who make our church their home.”


Jimmy couldn’t remain silent any longer.  “Why would non-Christians find a home in a Christian church?”


Darryl was amazed at the question.  “Isn’t it obvious to you that we are a safe haven?  They worship here because they are in a place where being gay is OK.   Jimmy, do you mind if I ask you how long you have been out?”


Jimmy started to laugh and cry simultaneously.  He heard Robbie advising him to remain calm.


“Just a few short months,” he answered.  “I had no idea this was a gay church.”


“Would you rather not serve here?” Darryl asked.


“Are you kidding?  It will be a singular honor.”


After the three men calmed him down, Jimmy said, “Let me tell you a story.”  He told them about Robbie Cutler, whose heart was beating inside of him.  He even ventured to tell them that he could hear Robbie advising him.  He didn’t care if they thought he was crazy or not.  “The heart that beats in my chest and keeps me alive, so that I can spread the word, is gay and Jewish.  I believe that I fit the category of all inclusive. “


The men were quiet when Jimmy finished.  Finally Darryl said.  “Can you be here Saturday afternoon and we’ll go over the service together.”



Jimmy could not wait for Roger to get home.  He was too excited to prepare a meal, and decided he would take Roger out for dinner.  He put on a pair of shorts and a muscle shirt.  He sat in the recliner and waited.  While he waited he thought about his sermon.


You’ll knock them dead, Robbie said.


“What shall I talk about?” Jimmy asked.


It will come to you.


When Roger came home, he rushed to Jimmy and hugged him.  Usually he found Jimmy preparing dinner, but when he saw him sitting on the recliner, he feared that something was wrong.


“Are you all right, sweetie?” Roger asked in concern.


Jimmy grabbed Roger’s arm and pulled him forward so that he ended up sitting on Jimmy’s lap.


“I’ve never been better,” Jimmy said with a huge grin on his face.  “I think I may have landed a job as assistant pastor at Church of the Savior.”


“The gay church?” Roger asked utterly amazed.


“The very same.  I preach my first sermon this Sunday morning.”


“You rascal!  How and when did all this happen?”  Without waiting for an answer, Roger went on.  “I’ll take Sunday off and go hear you.  I’ve been told that you’re all fire and brimstone, and you send gays to hell.”  Roger started to laugh hysterically.


“You heard right, mister,” Jimmy continued the joke.  “Those queers are in for quite a surprise this Sunday.”  He too started to laugh and the only thing that stopped the laughter was that the lovers began to kiss.


“Now change into something sexy,” Jimmy said.  I’m taking you out to dinner at the gayest restaurant I know of, and I want all those queens to envy me.”


“Envy is a deadly sin,” Roger said.


“Then you and I will save their souls.”


Of course Roger knew all about the gay church, and he was happy and comfortable to find that the service was almost like his service, but a little bit less formal.  When he first saw Jimmy in clerical vestments, he was stunned.  He thought that he was even more handsome than in shorts and  a muscle shirt.  He looked around the church and he thought, it’s OK to envy me now, you queens.


For the past few days, he had bugged Jimmy to let him read his sermon, but Jimmy said what Roger had said, “You’ll hear it in church.”  Roger had no choice but to be patient and extend Jimmy the same courtesy that Jimmy had extended him.


When Jimmy ascended to the pulpit to begin the homily, the men in the audience were drooling and the women were thinking what a handsome young man. 


“Hi everyone.  It’s a thrill and an honor for me to be here with you this beautiful Sunday morning in this beautiful House of Worship.”  He had remembered to start by greeting the congregation.  Then he continued.


“If I am really lucky, I’ll be assuming my duties as your Assistant Pastor, so please don’t fall asleep on me and please give me good grades, because I really want so much to be here for you.”  The congregation laughed.  Encouraged by the smiles, he continued.


“You might have noticed that I came up here without any notes.  It is my intention this morning to introduce myself to you.  I want you to know who I am, where I came from, and my dreams and aspirations for you and the world at large.  I really hope that after all that, you will want me to be your pastor.


“To begin with, I was ordained as a Baptist Minister.  In a crazy effort to bury my sexual orientation, I became the most homophobic pastor this side of the Mason Dixon line, which made me pretty homophobic.  Each Sunday I preached hatred from my pulpit, not only for gays, but for anyone who wasn’t Baptist or white.  Looking back on it, I was a pretty big boor.  My message never varied.  Then a few short months ago, I was literally reborn.”


Jim went on to tell of his heart attack.  He described Robbie’s bashing and tears filled the church.  “But in the end a miracle happened.  I got Robbie Cutler’s heart.  I got a gay, Jewish heart, and I immediately began to change.  I was overwhelmed with all kinds of strange emotions, strange to me, at least.  Thanks to Robbie I learned to love the world and everyone in it.  Robbie’s heart beats within me; strong, healthy, loving, loyal and very much in love.


“One of the other miracles that Robbie gave me was the ability to face my own sexual needs and desires.  One day the hospital chaplain came to visit me.  When I saw him, I wanted to leap out of bed and make love to him.  ‘Smitten’ is a very mild and understated word.  I wish I could tell you how his beautiful face overwhelmed me and filled me with desire.  I fell in love for the first time in my life at the age of 38.


Father Roger Graham is an Episcopal Priest.  He serves at St Benedict  Episcopal Church where he is the senior pastor.  Because of him and his love, I have become a better minister.  Because of him, I have an overwhelming need to serve my community, and whoever else might need me any place in the world.  I often attribute the person I am today to Robbie and Roger, but I would be remiss if I didn’t give credit to God.


“There are no accidents in the world.  Is there anyone of you out there who can honestly not see how God maneuvered my life.  He knew that I could be a better person, and he caused one event after another to bring me to this place, at this moment in time, exactly where he wants me to be.  And I want to be here also, to minister to you and to serve you.  I fervently pray that you will let me.”


The congregation, thinking he was finished, began to applaud.  When the applause died down, Jimmy said, “Before I leave the pulpit I want you to meet my partner and my soul mate.”  He motioned for Roger to stand up.  More applause from the assembly.


Darryl approached the pulpit and embraced Jimmy in a bear hug.  “Welcome to the church,” he said.  “Do you think you can repeat that little speech at the later service?  I want everyone to meet our new pastor.


As happy as Jimmy had been since his heart transplant, this was the happiest moment of his life. 


Welcome to your new home.  He heard Robbie very clearly.


The second service was attended by twice the worshipers than attended the first service. Jimmy panicked a little bit, but he had Roger to calm him down, and he could feel Robbie’s presence also.  Between services he and Roger sat with Darryl in his office and sipped tea and scones.  They were delicious and Roger asked where they came from.


“My partner is from England and he has mastered the art of scones.  He’ll be here for the second service and you’ll meet,” Darryl said.  Then he turned to Jimmy.  “I am really excited to have you join us, but I wonder if it won’t hurt your relationship, if you two can’t worship together every Sunday.”


“We worship together every evening,” Roger said.


“Yes, we have made up our own little bedtime prayer service so we will be fine.  We both have our calling and we complement each other.  We don’t compete,” Jimmy added.


“That’s wonderful,” Darryl said.


Jimmy’s plea for acceptance was even better received at the second service than at the first.  The applause was deafening.  After the service, they joined the congregants in the social hall.  Darryl was busy introducing Jimmy around, and Roger was introduced to Darryl’s partner.  They began to chat.


“It’s great to meet you,” William said.  “I grew up in the Anglican Church you know.”


“Well, you are always welcome at my church anytime you want to come.” 


“I’m old and set in my ways.  Thanks for the invitation, but I’ll stick to my honey’s church.”


When they got home, the first thing that Jimmy did was to call Dan and Mark Sommers.  He told them that the position was his and he thanked them for their recommendations. 


That night as they were preparing for bed, Roger said, “We should do something special to celebrate your new position.”


“What did you have in mind?”


“Well there is something I would love for us to do, but I don’t know if you are ready and I hesitate to ask,” Roger said.


“Don’t be foolish.  Ask!  The worst that can happen is I’ll say no.”


Roger took a deep breath.  “I’d like us to fuck each other,” he said.


Jimmy broke out laughing and Roger got concerned.  “I’ve wanted to do that forever, but you never talked about it, and I was afraid to ask you.”


Roger smiled and grabbed Jimmy in a bear hug.  “We’ll go slow,” Roger said.  It always hurts a bit when you start out, but in the end the pleasure is worth the little bit of pain.  You fuck me first.  No pain involved.”


“No,” Jimmy said.  “That’s a cop out.  I want to get fucked first.  You’ve done both, haven’t you?”  Roger nodded shyly.  “Then you can teach me.”


“Let’s start in the shower,” Roger said.  They undressed quickly and when they were naked they fell into each other’s arms.  They began to kiss and fondle and neither wanted to move, but finally Roger said, “Let’s go.”


At first, they soaped and washed each other as they always did, but then Roger told Jimmy to turn to the shower wall and place his hands on the wall as if he was doing vertical push ups. 


“Stick your butt out,” Roger told Jimmy.


Roger soaped his hands until all he could see was suds.  He placed his middle finger against Jimmy’s crack and ran it up and down.  All the while he kept advising Jimmy to relax.  It took awhile, but Roger could sense when Jimmy was thoroughly relaxed.  He placed his index finger on Jimmy’s opening.  Jimmy tensed.  Roger began to kiss the back of Jimmy’s neck and urged him to relax.  Slowly he started to insert his finger.  Every few centimeters he stopped and asked Jimmy if he was all right.  Jimmy would nod in between sighs.


When Roger reached Jimmy’s sphincter he stopped.  “This is it,” he advised.  It will hurt.  If the pain is too much, please stop me.  Once I get past the muscle, the pain will begin to go and the pleasure will be there.” 


“Go, honey.  I want it real bad.  Don’t stop even if I tell you to.”  Slowly Roger proceeded.  He felt the resistance of the virgin muscle but he kept going in ever so slowly.  Suddenly he felt that he had gone beyond the muscle.  His finger was sliding more easily and he was all the way in.  He started to ream Jimmy’s ass hole in an attempt to start stretching it.  His finger touched Jimmy’s prostate and Jimmy sighed.


“That feels wonderful.  Don’t stop,” Jimmy said.  That emboldened Roger to begin to insert another finger, his index.  When he reached the muscle he asked Jimmy how he was doing and Jimmy could only mumble, “Don’t stop” even though he was in pain.  At last the second finger penetrated and now Jimmy’s prostate was being massaged.  All the pain was gone and Jimmy was in paradise.


“Please take your fingers out,” he pleaded, “and give me the real thing.


Roger was happy to oblige.  His cock met some resistance and some tensing from Jimmy, but finally Jimmy relaxed and Roger’s cock slid right in.  He remained still, and did not move for a moment and then he began to pump.  They fucked in silence until Roger could bear it no longer.  “How are you doing?” he asked.


“This is so wonderful.  Why didn’t we do this sooner?  Can you try not to cum for awhile?”


“Too late,” Roger screamed, and he came gushing into Jimmy’s ass. It took a few minutes for him to catch his breath.


“I almost came without you touching my cock,” Jimmy told Roger.


“That’s because my cock was massaging your prostate gland,” Roger informed his lover.


“I need to cum badly,” Jimmy said.  “Can I fuck you now?”


“Yes, of course, but let’s do it in bed with lubricant.  I think you’ll enjoy it more.”


Jimmy did not bother to try to stretch Roger, but he went right in.  Resistance was minimal.  Jimmy had almost reached orgasm when Roger was fucking him, so he came swiftly.  His orgasm was intense and his whole body bucked like an unbroken bronco.


Lying together afterward, Roger asked Jimmy which he liked better, oral or anal sex.  “They are both wonderful,” Jimmy answered.  Your mouth is hot and wet, but so is your ass.  The only difference is I feel more in control when I’m fucking you, like I might be able to control my orgasm and make it last longer.”


“Yes, that’s how I feel,” Roger said.  “Isn’t it wonderful? We have a whole lifetime to enjoy it all.”


As they were falling asleep, they distinctly heard Robbie.  It’s about time you guys got around to fucking each other.  What took you so long?

To be continued...


Posted: 08/28/09