The Man Next Door
 by: Hankster

© 2012 by the author


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Chapter 4 


Jack and Jesse took the boys out, but not to the mall or ice skating or anything like that.  They took them home for a “talk.” 


“We want to talk to you,” Jesse said.


“Sure, Uncle Jesse,” James replied.  His voice suddenly had a slight tremolo.


The four of them sat down in the living room and Jack said, “I’ll be right back.  Don’t start without me.”  While he was gone the boys and Jesse made small talk about what was going on with the boys at school.  When Jack returned he carried a tray with a pitcher of lemonade and four glasses.  He poured everyone a drink, sat down, and nodded to Jesse as if to say, “We can start now.”


“What’s wrong Uncle Jesse?” James asked.


“Nothing.  Now be quiet and listen to me.  It is more than obvious to me that you two boys are not only gay, but you are lovers.”  The boys squirmed in their seats.

“Are we that obvious?” Aaron asked.


“Afraid so,” Jack said, bobbing his head up and down.


“If you are trying to tell us that we’re too young, and we might be going through a phase, and we should wait, you are speaking to deaf ears.  We know who we are, and that we want to spend our lives together.  Nobody can convince us otherwise,” Aaron smiled at James and took his hand.


“I told you to shut up and listen,” Jesse said in a kindly tone of voice.  “We aren’t trying to talk you out of anything.  We want to help you and give you advice about coming out.  We’re here to answer questions if you would like?”


The boys smiled at each other and held their hands tighter.


“We know you haven’t told your parents yet,” Jack interjected, “and it’s time you did.  Once you come out to them the rest is easy.  The worst thing you can do is live up to their expectations of getting married, and having children, and then continue to see each other on the side.  Everyone will be unhappy; you, your wives, and eventually your children.  Just be honest with yourselves and be who you are.”


“I know you both have kids,” Aaron said.  “How did they take it when you guys hooked up?


“Shocked, surprised, incredulous,” Jack said, “but in the end they saw how happy we were and they gave us their blessing.”


“How about your co-workers?” James asked.


“We stayed in the closet at work.  We were both near retirement and saw no need to make a big announcement.”


“I’m disappointed,” the ever horny Jesse said.  “I thought you were going to ask us about sexual techniques for maximum pleasure.”


“Shut up!” Jack said turning red.


“The boys looked very uncomfortable and Aaron said, “We have seen every male porno tape we could lay our hands on, and I think we have pretty good technique.”


“OK then,” Jesse said.  “Let’s get back to telling your parents and your siblings.  When will both families be together again?”


“We’re all having dinner Sunday evening at my house,” James said.


“That’s great.  Jack and I are invited over also.  I think that the perfect time to tell them will be during dessert.  For your information, James, your father already suspects, but in case Aaron’s folks and your mother don’t take it well, then at least we won’t have spoiled their dinner.  Now are you sure you guys don’t want to ask us about sex?”


Jack threw a sofa pillow at Jesse, and the boys began to laugh.  They were relaxed enough now that James asked jokingly (or was it in earnest?), “Can we watch you two going at it?”


Jesse laughed and Jack jumped up.  “Come on,” he said.  “I’m taking you boys home.”


“I’m really disappointed that you won’t let us watch,” Aaron pretended to be hurt.  “Please uncles, I’m so horny now, can we use one of your bedrooms?”


Now it was Jack’s turn to laugh.  “Sure,” he said.  “While you are at it we’ll be going at it in our bedroom.  We’ll see you down here in the living room in a couple of hours.”

“I hate to ask,” James said, “but can we borrow some lube?”


Now both Jack and Jesse laughed.  “Oh just one thing,” Jesse said, “the walls are paper thin.  We’ll hear everything you do, and you will hear us too.”


“Not a problem,” the boys answered in unison, and now everybody laughed.


Both couples could clearly hear what was going on in the adjacent bedrooms.  In fact they had left the bedroom doors slightly ajar.  They wanted to hear another gay couple making love.  It was a new experience for both of them.


Aaron and James had other things in mind.  They started to make love.  Aaron was sensuously sucking James’s cock, and James was moaning like a banshee.  He knew the older couple would hear him.  After awhile Aaron stopped sucking and the boys listened.  Jack and Jesse were very loud lovers, and it wasn’t long before the boys were satisfied that Jesse and Jack were lost in the passion of some great love making.  They got out of bed as quietly as they could, and as naked as the day they were born.  They crept silently to Jesse and Jack’s bedroom and peeked in.  The older men were playing a lusty game of sixty-nine.  Aaron opened the door slightly more, and both boys continued to spy on Jesse and Jack, who had no clue.


Jesse was on his back, and Jack was lying on top of him.  In the good old days they would not cum this way.  They would work themselves up really good, and then they would fuck each other.  They had long since given up on fucking because neither one got hard enough any more to penetrate.  So now they allowed themselves to cum orally and occasionally manually.  When they were both finished shooting their loads, Jack dismounted and turned around.  He saw the two teenagers standing in the doorway, grinning like two Cheshire cats.  Jack tried to grab something to cover his now flaccid five inches of beautiful uncut cock, but he realized the absurdity of it and he started to laugh. 


When he laughed the boys started to applaud.  Jesse sat up to see what was happening.  The boys noted that he was a little smaller than Jack and he was uncut also.


“So, you devils, you watched us after all.  Did you learn anything?” Jesse asked.


“Nothing new,” Aaron answered.  “Maybe we can teach you a thing or two.”


The two boys jumped into bed with their mentors.  There was lots of kissing, fondling and caressing, but they didn’t really do anything to get themselves off, nor did they think of doing such a thing.  They merely wanted to show their affection for one another.  Finally Jesse said that they should get dressed so he could get the boys home.


“You dress,” James said.  “We haven’t finished yet, and they ran back to the other bedroom.  When they were too much into themselves to notice, Jack and Jesse stood in their doorway and watched them fuck each other into next week.  The older couple was more than envious.  At least Jesse still got fucked, when Frankie came over.  When the boys were finished and realized that they had been observed, Aaron asked, “How’d we do?”  He did not expect an answer.


They all showered and got dressed before they went back to Jane and Frankie’s house for a delicious dinner.  At some point in the evening Jesse managed to whisper to Frankie that the boys were coming out after dinner on Sunday.  Frankie turned ashen, and Jessie had to steady him by putting his hand on Frankie’s shoulder.  “I’m afraid at what my father’s reaction will be,” he confided to Jesse.


To be continued...


Posted: 02/17/12