Twenty Years Later
Book II
(The Family Expands)

 by: Hankster

© 2016 by the author


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Chapter 2

The first day of the seminar went as do all seminars.  There were moments of great interest and the sharing of ideas, but mostly it was boring.  There were about twenty-five seminarians, men and women.  By lunch time they all had only one thing in mind, to get out and enjoy some of South Florida’s night life.  Rob and Arlen had a different kind of entertainment planned for that night.  They ate with two women, and after lunch they managed to be alone together for a few minutes.

In their maturity, they could afford to take things slower, just as they had last night.  When Arlen got Rob aside he said, “A friend of mine back home, gave me directions from Boca to the gay area in Ft. Lauderdale.  It’s called Wilton Manors.  He even told me which bars cater to more mature guys.  I’m not accusing you of being as mature as I am, but that’s where we are going tonight.  The seminar ends at 4 PM, so we can have dinner down there.  It’ll be out of our own pockets, but what the hell.”

Rob’s blue eyes lit up like glowing embers.  “Listen man,” he said.  “I’ve just come out, and so far, only to you.  How many gay bars and restaurants do you think I’ve been to?  Exactly none.  I can’t wait to go there with you.  I would’ve been a little frightened to go alone the first time, so I am very grateful to you.”

“No gratitude necessary.  It’ll be my pleasure also.  By the way, my friend was shaky about the directions.  He hasn’t been down here in years, so I made sure that our car was equipped with a GPS.  I got the address of the bar he recommended, so we won’t get lost.  Once we get there, I’m sure we’ll see plenty of other places to go.”

Rob smiled at Arlen.  “This is going to be the longest afternoon on record.”

After the seminar, the men changed clothes.  They put on shorts, tee shirts and sandals.  Arlen went commando, but Rob had on jockeys.  The car was brought around by one of the resort’s car-hops, and by 5:30 they were on their way.  The concierge told them that the trip should take about forty-five minutes.  The longest part of it would be along Interstate 95.

Rob waited until they entered the highway, and came to a steady speed of a little over 65 mph.  “You promised to tell me about your family,” he said.  “I think that this would be a good time.”

Arlen took a deep breath. 

“Kenzie and I have known each other, and have been in love, since we started high school,” he began his narrative.  “After we graduated college, life got in our way, and we were separated for twenty years.  Kenzie lived in Austin, Texas.  He has a son, whom he named after me, and he even called him by my childhood nickname, Ari.

“When Ari said he wanted to be an engineer, like his father, Kenzie recommended that he go to Syracuse U.  Just before school was due to start, Kenzie drove his son to Syracuse, and looked me up.  The rest is history.  Two major things happened.  His son realized that he loved his best friend, Larry, just as much as Kenzie and I loved each other.  He vowed not to wait twenty years to let Larry know how he felt, or try to be straight, as Kenzie and I had done.  Larry was already out of the closet, and he had told Ari how he felt about him.  Ari texted Larry, declaring his love, and Larry immediately decided to transfer to Syracuse U.  The second miracle was that Kenzie was eligible to retire, and he decided to do so, and move to Syracuse in order to be close to Ari, Larry, and of course, me.  He’s going to start teaching engineering at Syracuse U next semester.

“It took Larry and Kenzie several months to make the move, and during that time, Ari moved in with me.  Living together created too much sexual tension for both of us, so Ari and I finally gave in to our urges, and began to make love.  We could not love each other more if we were a real blood father and son.  We felt guilty about what we had done, and we called Kenzie to let him know, only to find out that he and Larry couldn’t wait for their Prince Charmings either, and they were making it together also.

We visited Austin a couple of times during those terrible few months, and Larry and Kenzie came up to Syracuse for Thanksgiving.  Whenever we were together, the four of us made love, in every combination you can think of.”

Arlen stopped talking so that all that information could sink into Rob’s brain.

“Are you telling me,” he asked incredulously, “that even Ari and Kenzie have sex together?”

“Now that Ari and Larry, and Kenzie and I, are reunited, it doesn’t happen often, but on special occasions, we have been known to express, in a physical manner, how much we all love each other.  Are you shocked and upset with me?”

“Are you kidding?  I think I just split my shorts with the hard-on I’ve got.”

“Shall I continue?” Arlen asked.

“Yes, please.”

“I’ve already told you the circumstances of how Mac came to live with me.  He’s named after Kenzie, Mackenzie, that is.  Anyway, after our reconciliation, Mac came to live with us.  He occupied the third and last bedroom in the house, so he didn’t have to pay rent, but of course, he did chip in with household expenses.  He kidded us mercilessly about how much noise we all made when we were making love.  Notwithstanding his jibes, he, Ari and Larry became as close as any brothers can be.

“Ari went to a nearby high school gym every Saturday morning, and got into a pick-up basketball game.  One Saturday, he asked Mac to come to the game with him.  Mac loved the game and the guys who were playing, so he became a regular.  He and Ari are still playing every Saturday, whenever they can.

“Mac got particularly friendly with Dennis, one of the players, and for good reason.  Dennis has a beautiful sister, who lived with him, and Mac started dating her.  They even got engaged.  Mac made plans to move to Dennis’s house, but before he could, he got coerced into having sex with Larry and Ari.  Ari’s gaydar kept telling him that Mac was gay, and he wanted to prove it to him.  The only reason Mac decided to have sex with his brothers, besides loving them, was to prove to them that sex with a woman was better than sex with a man.

“Perhaps if Mac didn’t love his brothers so much, the sex they did have would’ve been meaningless, but the deep bond of love and brotherhood they all held, opened Mac’s eyes.  He realized that it wasn’t sex that motivated love, it was the other way around.  It didn’t matter who you loved, straight or gay.  If you loved someone deeply, then sex became an emotional experience beyond anything one could ever hope to experience.  Notwithstanding his revelation, Mac still wasn’t able to accept his true nature.  He moved in with Dennis and Laurie.

“One day, after a basketball game, he and Dennis showered together, and Mac seduced Dennis into making love with him.  It turned out that Dennis was in the closet, and madly in love with Mac, so we aren’t sure who seduced who.  Mac was finally ready to admit that he was gay.  Together, he and Dennis told Laurie the truth.

“It turned out that Laurie wasn’t surprised.  She was not a virgin the first time she and Mac made love, and she let him know that his love making lacked passion.  He realized that when he made love with his brothers, none of them held back on passion.  Again he learned the power of true love, which rendered gender meaningless.

“Laurie had been seeing one of her old boyfriends, and making love with him.  She wanted the passion that Mac could not give her, but James gave her in spades.  They’re married now, and are as much a part of our lives as the boys are.  That’s about it, I guess,” Arlen concluded.

Rob was too flabbergasted to say anything at first.  Finally, he asked, “Do all of you make love with all of you?”

Arlen laughed.  “For sure my sons do, and as I told you, they include Kenzie and me on special occasions.  On my birthday, for instance, they laid me on my back, wouldn’t let me do a thing, and five tongues gave me a trip around the world.  I came twice, once in someone’s mouth, and once in someone’s ass, while he was straddling me.  I don’t have a clue which mouth, or which ass I emptied into, nor does it matter, nor do I care.”

“Wow,” Rob gasped.  “I sure wish I was one of your sons, but it’s more fun being a lover.”  He reached over and put his hand on Arlen’s crotch.

“I love what you’re doing, man,” Arlen laughed, “but give it up.  I’m driving.”

Rob took his hand away.  “Okay,” he said.  “I have one more question.  How do six grown men, living in one house, manage not to get in each other’s hair, or in each other’s way?”

“Well, Kenzie and I asked the same question, and decided we had to make changes in the house.  The first thing we did; we pretty much did using our own labor.  We cleaned out the basement, painted the cement floor with water proof paint, put up wood paneling, and converted the space into a fully equipped gym.  We all work out there, as often as we can.

“Next, we cleaned out the attic, and got a contractor, who converted it into a two-bedroom dormer with a separate bathroom.  Right now, Ari, Larry and I use one of those bedrooms as an office.  They are still college students, and this allows them to study far away from the rest of us.  As for me, I’m still quite employed, as you well know.  Sometimes I bring work home and use the office, as well.  The other room up there is a real bedroom for guests.”

“If I ever slept over, I could use the guest bedroom, then?” Rob asked.

“No, dufus.  If you ever slept over you’d sleep with Kenzie and me.  We have the only king-sized bed in the house.  The others are all queen-sized.  Which reminds me; Labor Day will be coming up just one week after we get home.  We’re having a back yard barbecue.  It will include Kenzie, me, and all our kids of course, but Laurie and her husband are coming over also.  Would you like to join us?”

Rob started to cry.  He was speechless.  Arlen took his silence to mean that he was considering the offer, and a thought occurred to him.

“If it’s your weekend with your son,” Arlen added, “you are more than welcome to bring him with you.”

“Nothing would give me more pleasure.  He might be too young to understand now, but I’d love him to interact with gay people, and see that we are just ordinary folks.  Unfortunately, I lost my weekend with him because of the seminar, and Beth won’t switch with me.  She’s taking him to Albany for the holiday weekend.  Her folks live there.”

They were interrupted by the GPS informing them to exit at the next ramp, Oakland Park Blvd. “It can’t be far now,” Arlen said with obvious glee.

They found the bar that Arlen’s friend had recommended. It was one of the few on the strip that had its own parking lot, but unfortunately it was full.  About one street away, they found a public metered parking area.  They lucked out.  There were a couple of spaces available, and there was a credit card payment machine.

Considering that it was a mid-week night in the middle of August, the bar area was quite crowded, but they had no trouble getting a table for dinner.  The menu was surprisingly varied, and the food was pretty good.  They enjoyed the meal without rushing, and then went to the bar area.  They decided to order a tropical drink.  There was no place to sit at the bar, so they leaned against a wall, and started up a conversation with a couple of guys.

Their new friends were surprised that they weren’t locals.  In August there were precious few snow-birds or tourists around.  They socialized for a while, and Arlen glanced at Rob.  It was obvious that he was getting anxious.  They shook hands with the locals, wished them well, and headed back to the hotel.

In the car, Rob gave out a little sob.  “What’s wrong?” Arlen asked with concern.

“Do you realize, Arlen, that tonight was the first time, I have ever socialized with other gay people in my whole life?  I’m so happy.”

“Well, curb your enthusiasm, fella.  You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.  Before this night is over, you are going to be the happiest dude in America.”

“Thanks Arlen.”

“No.  Thank you.  I suppressed my true self nearly as long as you did.  I know how liberating it is to come out of the closet.  I consider it an honor to show you just how liberating, so thank you for giving me that privilege.”

When they got back to the hotel, Rob asked, “What’s on your agenda tonight?”

Well, Babe, let’s shower together and we’ll go from there.”  They undressed rapidly and jumped in the shower.  They had intended on cleansing themselves, and then having sex in bed.  Arlen would not allow himself to think of it as making love.  Nature dictated otherwise.

They both got so worked up in the shower, that they began to suck each other’s cocks.  That progressed to rimming, and finally fucking, using soap as a lubricant.  By the time they were ready to leave the shower, they had each cum twice, once in the ass, and once in the mouth of their sex partner.

They dried themselves, and fell into separate beds.  They were so exhausted they called the front desk and left a wake-up call.  Rob was indeed the happiest dude in America, as Arlen had promised, but Arlen was feeling just a tiny bit guilty for enjoying his encounters with Rob a little too much.  In a near stupor, he began to formulate a plan to assuage his guilt.  He and Kenzie would simply adopt Rob as a brother.

To be continued...


Posted: 07/22/16