Twenty Years Later
Book II
(The Family Expands)

 by: Hankster

© 2016 by the author


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Chapter 3

The seminar ended at 2:30 PM on Friday.  After breakfast, Arlen and Rob packed their bags, as did everyone else, and they put their suitcases in the rear of the seminar room.  They had a 5:00 o’clock flight out of Ft. Lauderdale, and they had to drive there from Boca Raton.  They said a hurried goodbye, and rushed to get their rental car.  They drove right off without hesitating.  At the airport they found the rental return area without difficulty, and took the shuttle to their terminal. They entered the terminal at 4 PM, and by the time they got through security, their flight was loading.  They were the last people to enter the cabin.

They had no chance to catch their breaths and relax until the plane was airborne.   To settle their frazzled nerves, they each purchased a vodka tonic.  It was a four-hour flight to Newark Airport, where they had an hour’s layover.  They were grateful that the first leg of their journey had lifted off on time.  They were due to arrive in Syracuse at 11:15 PM, and Mac had volunteered to pick up his dad, rather than take a cab at that hour.

While waiting for their plane to board in Newark, Arlen suggested that Rob come to his house that night, and meet his family.  “I’ll drive you home tomorrow,” Arlen assured him.

Rob was quick to accept.  “I may never want to leave,” he said.  He was anticipating a threesome as Arlen had promised.  Just before they boarded the aircraft, Arlen called Kenzie to alert him.

The plane to Syracuse also took off on time, and arrived a few minutes early.  When they got out of the secure area, Arlen spotted Mac waving at him, and he waved back.

“He’s even better looking than you,” Rob commented.

Arlen introduced Rob to Mac as Uncle Rob.  Somehow Mac was not surprised, but Rob was knocked for a loop.  “He’s sleeping over tonight,” Arlen explained to Mac, “and I’ll drive him home tomorrow.”

“Fantastic,” is all Mac could think to say.  He didn’t have to ask where Rob was going to sleep.

“Are you an early riser?” Mac asked Rob.

“Yes, I am.  Why do you ask?”

“Well, the family is asleep right now.  Ari, Dennis and I are going out early tomorrow morning to play basketball, so If you get up early, before we leave for the game, you’ll meet all of us.”

At the luggage carousel, Rob and Arlen were slightly separated for a moment, and Mac whispered in his father’s ear, “I guess you lucked out in the roommate department, and we were all so worried for you.”  Arlen said nothing.  He just smiled.

When they got home, Mac kissed his father on the lips, and Rob on his cheek.  He ran upstairs to bed.  Arlen and Rob went right upstairs into Arlen and Kenzie’s bedroom.  The door was closed, but when Arlen opened it, there was a light on in the room, and Kenzie was sitting up in bed reading a book.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” he said.  He was lying on top of the covers, totally naked, and sporting a rather substantial hard-on.  He jumped out of bed and threw his naked body around Arlen.

“I’ve missed you so much,” Kenzie whispered in Arlen’s ear.

“Likewise,” Arlen responded.

Kenzie then turned his attention to Rob.  “You must be the famous Rob,” he said.  He embraced Rob and gave him a hug, pushing his erection, as hard against Rob as he possibly could.  At the same time, he kissed Rob on the lips.

Rob was getting one shock after the other, so that Kenzie’s kiss did not so much shock him, as overwhelm him.  He looked at his two current roommates and said.  “I married in an attempt to fool myself, and this is coming ten years too late, but better late than never.”

“You’re better off than I was,” Kenzie said.  “It took me twenty years to face the truth.  Now show me just how gay you are.”

Arlen started to laugh.  “I assure you,” he said, “Rob is very gay in the bedroom.  Let’s get undressed Rob, and show Kenzie just how gay we all are.”

Immediately they formed a daisy chain, and they all came in someone’s mouth.

“That was wonderful, Rob,” Kenzie said, but I’m too pooped now to take us to the next level.  Next time, baby, okay?”

“As long as I know that there will be a next time, I’m more than okay,” Rob said.  He almost sobbed, but he managed to control himself.  He believed that Kenzie and Arlen could not imagine how grateful he was.  He was wrong.  They knew full well.

They fell asleep on the big king-sized bed with Rob in the middle.  They were all naked, nesting comfortably against each other.  Arlen woke first and wakened his two bedmates.  “Let’s get up and have a quick breakfast.  We’ll go watch the boys play basketball, and we can shower after the game.  I hope you aren’t in a big hurry to get home, Rob.”  He wasn’t.  Rob would have made this his home in a New York minute.

“I can stay until Sunday evening,” he said hopefully.

“No problem,” Kenzie said.

They washed the sleep out of their eyes, and brushed their teeth.  While he was in the bathroom, Rob determined that the shower was big enough for three people, and he smiled to himself.

The four young men were all in the kitchen, having a glass of juice.  Mac did the honors of introducing Rob to his brothers, and poor Rob nearly creamed in his pants.  He expected them all to shake his hand, but to his utter delight, they all gave him a kiss on the lips.

Everyone enjoyed the basketball game.  Ari and Mac were skins, and Dennis was on the shirts team.  Skins won by a wide margin, and proceeded to call shirts a bunch of wusses.  In the end, both teams hugged each other, ignoring the sweaty odor, and said, “Seeya next week.”

Back in the house, Mac and Dennis showered together.  Ari and Larry had a good idea what was taking them so long, and began to yell at them to finish what they were doing in the bedroom.  Mac and Dennis finally left the shower grinning like Cheshire cats.  In the master bedroom, Rob’s wish came true, he showered with Kenzie and Arlen.  There was nobody pounding on their door, and they managed to fuck each other with Rob in the middle.  Rob was sure he had died and gone to gay heaven.

Larry made tuna salad and egg salad sandwiches, and the men ate them for lunch.  They bantered back and forth good naturedly, and did not exclude Rob.  He was having the time of his life.

They had a back yard barbecue for dinner.  The yard was perfectly private and secluded, and Rob got another surprise.  The men were all naked, except for Mac.  He was at the barbecue, and he was wearing an apron.  Rob joined them in their nudity, and the boys shamelessly admired his endowments, and told him so.

Late that evening, Rob, Kenzie and Arlen were carousing in bed, when they began to hear the sounds of love coming from Ari and Larry’s bedroom.  It was obvious that there were more than two voices, and Rob remarked about it.

“You’re right,” Mac told Rob.  “The boys usually make love with their own partners, but Saturday nights, knowing that they have nothing to do, and nowhere to go on Sunday, except to the 10:30 service at church, they often play together.  You better get used to the noises, because it’s apt to last through the night.”

Rob laughed.  “Do you think we could make noises of our own tonight?” he asked.

“You bet your sweet ass,” Arlen said, and before he knew what hit him, both Arlen and Kenzie were sucking Rob’s cock.  After a little while, Kenzie stopped what he was doing, leaving the job to Arlen.  He presented his own cock to Rob, who began to suck it blissfully.

The boys, of course, were up all night and slept late.  Both couples were in their own rooms, sleeping with their partners.  The older generation showered again, and went down to the kitchen naked.  Kenzie began to make breakfast; coffee and a bagel.  While they were eating Rob said, “Thank you guys for welcoming me into your family.  I’m overwhelmed.”

“Just don’t be a stranger,” Kenzie said.  “The house is open to you, whenever you want to spend a weekend.”

“Thank you,” Rob said.  “It’s going to be a long week. Might I come over next weekend?”

“We’ll be expecting you,” Arlen said, but you better behave yourself at work, and he broke out laughing.

It was a very long week, indeed, for Rob, but he showed up at the basketball game on Saturday morning, with his eight-year-old son.  He introduced Jaden to Arlen, Kenzie and Larry, who tried to smile at him and be very pleasant.  The boy, was having none of it.  He was being surly, and you could see that he did not wish to be friendly.  He was very angry to be away from his friends, just as Rob had told Arlen.

Ari, Mac and Dennis were on the same team that week, shirts.  It was rare that they were all on the same team.  Rob pointed them out to Jaden, and said he would meet them after the game.  Jaden looked like he could care less.  Then a wonderful thing happened.  During the game, Jaden got caught up in the action.  Along with his dad and his dad’s friends, he began to cheer for the shirts, who slaughtered the skins.

After the game the boys went over to say hello to Rob, who introduced them to his son.  They fist punched the boy, and high fived him.  Jaden felt very grown up.

“I know we smell terrible,” Mac said to him, “but we’re going home now.  We’ll shower, and then make lunch and get acquainted.  Okay, Jaden?”  Jaden smiled at last, and Kenzie and Arlen realized that he was a good looking kid.

Back home, the non-players got busy making lunch, and Jaden was getting fidgety waiting for the athletes to come downstairs from their showers.  When they did, lunch was served.

After lunch the young men took Jaden into the back yard.  They had a basketball hoop there, and Mac began to instruct him in how to shoot a basket.  Jaden did really well, and the brothers all congratulated him.  Ari and Mac were both jocks, and they also showed him how to swing a baseball bat, and throw a football.  Jaden was having the time of his life.  Rob was observing all this from the patio. He was not much of an athlete, and had never played any ball games with his son.

Finally, at about four o’clock, Rob told Jaden that it was time to go home for dinner.  The boy looked so disappointed.  “Aw, Dad,” he said.  “Can’t we have dinner with my new friends?”

Rob knew that the family was planning on having dinner at a gay bar and restaurant, so he said, “Not today, sport.  Next time.”  The boy looked so disappointed.

Mac swooped him up in his strong arms.  “I promise you,” he said “the next time you come over, we’ll all have dinner together.”  Jaden gave him a big grin, and Mac kissed the boy on his cheek.  After that, every member of the family kissed Jaden on his cheek, and kissed Rob on his lips.  Jaden was totally unaware that anything inappropriate had occurred. 

“Can we come over next weekend?”  Jaden asked his dad.

“I’m afraid not, Son; it’s your mom’s weekend.”

Then Jaden said something so grown up, he astonished everybody.  “Mom has me all week, and she doesn’t work, so if I ask her real nice, maybe she’ll let me spend more weekends with you.”

Arlen immediately put his arm around Rob’s shoulder.  He was afraid his new brother might faint dead away.  Arlen had done the right thing.  Rob grew weak in his knees.  He looked at everybody, and said simply, “Thank you.”

As it developed, Rob’s wife would not give up any of her weekends.  The foolish woman thought that if Jaden spent any more time with his gay father, than the court had ordered, somehow Rob would make him gay.

On Labor Day weekend, Rob spent Friday night to late Monday afternoon with the family.  They went out to dinner Saturday evening at the gay bar and restaurant the boys liked so much, but Sunday after church, they had a Labor Day barbecue in the back yard.  Rob got to meet Laurie and James.

By now the youngsters were calling him Uncle Rob, even though he was not that much older than they.  Dennis was the eldest, and Rob was only five years older than he was.

The following weekend, Rob picked up Jaden very early on Saturday, and went right to the gym.  Jaden was excited.  He hugged Larry, Arlen and Kenzie, and waved to the others on the court.  This time Larry was on the skins team, and Mac and Ari were shirts, so the boys in the stands were rooting for both teams.  When the game was over, the players came to say hello to Rob and Jaden.  Apparently, Jaden didn’t care what they smelled like.  He hugged them all, and they kissed him on the forehead.

After lunch, they played football on the back lawn, and Mac remarked that Jaden showed great potential.  All afternoon, Jaden kept asking his father if they could sleep over.  Finally, Arlen said, “Sure, you and your dad can sleep in the dormer.”

Jaden yelled, “Yay,” and Rob looked wistfully at Kenzie and Arlen.  When he had a chance, Arlen whispered in Rob’s ear, “Our sons have totally tired out your son playing ball.  After he falls asleep, come to our bedroom.  In fact, whenever it’s convenient why don’t you come over during the week?”

“I’d like to ask you something, and don’t be afraid to say no.  It wouldn’t diminish the deep affection I have for you and your whole family.”

“Okay, shoot,” Arlen said.

Rob hesitated for just a moment.  “I live in a furnished apartment.  After I split from my ex I couldn’t afford more.  My lease is up next month,” he said.  “My landlord has been bugging me to renew, but I’ve been hesitant to do so.  I was wondering if I could rent your dormer.  It would help you guys with household expenses, and I would be in a place I could call ‘home’.

Arlen started to laugh.  “Are you a mind reader?  We’ve all discussed it, and we were going to ask you to move in.  All of us, to a man, consider you to be family, and my boys have fallen in love with their cousin, Jaden.”

Rob began to cry, and Arlen enveloped him in his arms.  “All I have is my clothing, toiletries and some food stuff.  Could I move in next weekend?”

“Tell you what,” Arlen said.  “When Mac moved in, we took all our cars, loaded them up and made it in one trip.  What say, we make the move after the basketball game next Saturday?”

“Saturday can’t come too soon.”  Rob hugged Arlen tightly.

When it was time for Rob to take Jaden home to his mother on Sunday evening, the boy actually kept bugging his father to stay a little longer.  Finally, they left immediately after dinner.  Jaden hugged everyone tightly, reluctant to let go.  He had decided that these cousins were way more fun than his friends.

About a month after Rob moved in, his wife, Beth, found out that he was living in a house with other gay men, and bringing Jaden there.  Immediately she started a law suit to get full custody of Jaden.

To be continued...


Posted: 07/29/16